
Table of Contents

  • Business Plan
    • Interview 1
    • Interview 2
    • Advertisement Link
    • SDP Video Link
  • Project Management
    • Teammate Agreement/Individual Work Agreement
    • Project Schedule
    • Meeting Notes
  • Software Documentation
    • Introduction
    • User Manuel
    • Program Description
    • Algorithms
    • Final Program with Comments
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion/recommendation
    • References


Executive Summary


The team was tasked with creating one or more digital games using the coding skills they had recently developed. Coding and programing is one of the most important areas of engineering especially since things are almost entirely digitalized today, it is critical to know how programs work and depending on the profession, how to make them. The team chose two games, the easier, more simplistic game, hangman, and the more complex game Othello, which the remainder of the website will be focusing on as the primary game.

First, the team set out to figure out what games would be the best to make, and the decision was to go with Hangman and Othello. From there, the process of creating the games began, with each member partaking in the coding to some extent. Naturally, the better coders with more experience were better suited for the task and wound up doing more than their share of the work. Things evened out however through the documentation where the other members stepped up. Throughout the process of the creation of the game, the team was meeting up, discussing the project, and working on some of the aspects of the documentation like the user interviews and the algorithms. Towards the end, the group worked more on the website and the polishing up of the documentation rather than working on the game itself, which was completed earlier. Finally, the group made an online advertisement and sales pitch video introducing the team and why people should buy it.

Othello and Hangman are both excellent games, and it is with complete confidence that if a consumer wishes to have a pleasant experience with a quality game, there is no better way to go than Group Q’s rendition of these two classics.

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