A. User Identification and Interviews

Identify the intended audience for your game:

Our game is intended for more serious gamers. It is designed for the player to be creative and imagine their own adventure to become immersed in the story.


Note : (Q = Question, A = Answer)



User: Jamey Lee


Q: What system do you play on most?

A: “Xbox”

Q: What are some games you have played recently? Which is your favorite?

A: “Madden, Far Cry 5.  Madden is my favorite”.

Q: In your opinion what is the optimal length a game should take to play?

A: “One hour”.

Q: What aspects of a game make it interesting to you?

A: “The game is challenging, but winnable”.

Q: What are your favorite types of games to play?

A: “Sports and FPS.”



User: Collin Whitt


Q: What system do you play on most?

A: “PC”

Q: What are some games you have played recently? Which is your favorite?

A: “Hearthstone”

Q: In your opinion what is the optimal length a game should take to play?

A: “I don’t think there is an optimal length for a game, just as long as it is interesting and fun to play”.

Q: What aspects of a game make it interesting to you?

A: “Competitive”

Q: What are your favorite types of games to play?

A: “RPGs”

Q: Did you like our game?

A: “Yes!”

Q: What was the best aspect of our game?

A: “I avoided the monster and won.”

Q: What was the worst aspect of our game?

A:  “I don’t like the character model”.

Q: Do you have any suggestions for improvements?

A:  “Redesign the character face and other designs”.