Energize Ohio Short Video: On-Farm Solar Energy Development

On-Farm Solar Development - BlogAccording to the 2009 USDA On-Farm Renewable Energy Production Survey, it is estimated there are 115 farms in Ohio that have installed an on-site photovoltaic solar system to generate their own electricity. In response to this growing trend, a team of OSU Extension Educators is currently developing new curriculum materials to provide farmers additional information for on-farm solar applications. The Energize Ohio team has recently started work on a short video series, which contains videos related to renewable energy and energy efficiency applications. Feel free to preview our first video that reviews a case study of how one farmer has invested in an on-farm solar system to offset a portion of his electricity needs at a swine finishing facility in northwest Ohio.

On April 21 an On-Farm Solar Energy program was held at the Huron County Extension Office. Twenty-three local farmers and residents participated in the 90-minute program. Click here to view the program summary, schedule of speakers and evaluation.

For additional details on On-Farm Solar Development, visit go.osu.edu/farmenergy.

(Submitted by Eric Romich, Assistant Professor & Extension Field Specialist for Energy Development)

Community Impact of Ohio Shale Development

SERCOil and gas production dates back to the 1800s in eastern Ohio, where thousands of wells have been drilled into shallow sandstone deposits and other formations. Since 2010, however, energy resource development in Ohio has been on a scale far exceeding that of the previous 100 years. The impact on farmers and other rural landowners has been substantial, including payments of hundreds of thousands of dollars for many who have leased their subsurface resources. Local communities and governments have experienced change as well . . .   read complete article.

Find the series of SERC Notes on the Subsurface Energy Resource Center (SERC) Web site.

(Submitted by Mike Lloyd , Assistant Professor and County Extension Educator, Noble County & Buckeye Hills EERA)

On-Farm Solar Energy Development Program

April 21, 2014 / 12 – 1:30 p.m.
Huron County Extension Office
180 Milan Avenue, Suite 1
Norwalk, OH 44857

Contact: Mike Gastier (419-668-8219)

Join us for this educational program pertaining to on-site photovoltaic (PV) solar systems used to generate electricity. Discover whether this type of renewable energy will work for your on-farm needs.

Refer to the flyer for complete information. For additional details on On-Farm Solar Energy Development, visit go.osu.edu/farmenergy.

On-Farm Solar Development - Huron County 2014-04-21 Web

(Submitted by Eric Romich, Extension Field Specialist for Energy Development)


CD Professionals at Lake Erie's Stone Lab

CD Unit Meeting at Stone Lab
on Gibraltar Island (Summer 2012)

Welcome to the new Extension CD blog! We will be posting relevant and useful information on a regular basis. Please feel free to comment on what you read here. Enjoy!

What is Extension? Ohio State University Extension fulfills the university’s land-grant mission by engaging in the creation and transfer of knowledge for use by individuals, businesses, organizations and communities throughout Ohio.

What is Extension CD? Extension professionals with a Community Development focus address issues and opportunities in partnership with:

  • Businesses, organizations, associations and committees
  • Current and emerging community leaders
  • Elected and appointed officials

As part of the national Extension network we are able to share perspectives with residents and leaders regarding local development issues, increase the knowledge base for individual and community decisions, develop skills necessary to help these partners achieve their individual and community goals and help create a more inclusive decision-making environment.

Meet the CD Staff

We hope the content shared here helps you better understand how Extension CD professionals partner to strengthen lives and communities through research-based educational programming. If you are aware of  opportunities to partner or have specific questions about the content shared here, please let us know.

National eXtension Local Foods Team coming to Cleveland this Fall

Food Security

(Photo credit:
eXtension.org post 12/04/13)

Of the 264 members of the eXtension Community, Local and Regional Food Systems CoP (Community of Practice), 22 are OSU Extension colleagues (including some Master Gardeners). Though we’ve not made the official announcement yet, our USDA AFRI Conference grant of $50,000 has just been approved.

The project is entitled: Building Extension Capacity to Address Community Food Security through Food Systems. In brief, we’ll be hosting a food security conference this fall in Cleveland. Their urban farming, community redevelopment and food security efforts are recognized exemplars across the nation. Folks are very excited about visiting here! Click here for details of the project.

(Submitted by Brian Raison, Assistant Professor and County Extension Educator, Miami County & Top of Ohio EERA)

2013 CD Highlights

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Extension’s Community Development programs aim to engage people in strengthening their organizations, communities and ultimately social, economic, civic and environmental conditions to improve the quality of life in Ohio. A sampling of these efforts is captured in the recently published annual highlights. We hope these highlights help you better understand how Extension-CD professionals partner to strengthen lives and communities through research-based educational programming and encourage you to contact us if you are aware of additional opportunities to partner or have specific questions about the efforts described.

(Submitted by Greg Davis, Professor and Assistant Director, OSU Extension – Community Development)