Senior Capstone Project


Click the gif to be taken to my website!

Gif showing my website interface and various pages



Project Statement

For my senior year of high school, all seniors had to do a capstone project. Naturally, I did one about technology, specifically where I repair it! I started a business in high school where I made zero profit repairing people’s phones. I ordered parts and did screen repairs or battery replacements during lunch periods and sometimes outside of school.



I had a ton of fun doing this, I remember. Looking back, it was always fun messing with UI and creating the website to look just the way I wanted it to. I didn’t know anything about setting up a homepage and how “scale can create a hierarchy of the most crucial information” or any of that, but it was something I just felt. Being in the Design Foundations program and learning what I have just reinforced these feelings that I’ve always enjoyed this stuff and now I’ve got my foot in the door in continuing to expand my knowledge and grow as a designer!