CEA Showcase 2023: Check out the 22-23 CEA Cohort!

Creative Educator Academy 2023 Showcase

May 10, 2023 | Ohio Union | The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

Creative Educator Academy Graphic

The 2023 Showcase for the CEA Program year will held on May 10, 2023 at The Ohio Union at the Ohio State University Columbus campus.

Come and join the OSU EHE community, our Apple Community Education Initiative (CEI) partners, and educators from across Ohio for a day-long celebration and showcase of the work of the 22-23 cohort of Creative Educators! Over the academic year, they’ve been working on a year-l0ng problem of practice project and are eager to share their amazing work. Their work is a testament to how educators’ creativity and dedication, along with support and tools from the CEA, can yield viable solutions to real-world problems in educational settings. Learn more about the CEA Program and how to apply to be part of a future cohort. We hope to see you on May 10, 2023!!

What is “The Apple Project?”

Hey, Dr. Tray here! I get this question a LOT. Let me take a moment to clear it up…

The “Apple Project” is actually called TransformED: The Creative Educator Academy.


The Creative Educator Academy (CEA) is a year-long professional learning (PL) experience designed to expose educators to innovative thinking and creativity in educational problem-solving with an emphasis on STEAM (Code + Create) and hybrid learning. Ohio State is providing hardware, scholarships and professional learning and support in collaboration with Apple as part of its Community Education Initiative.

The program is open to ALL educators–classroom teachers, educational support professionals, and educational administrators. Using a design thinking framework (Stanford’s d.school model – https://dschool.stanford.edu/resources/design-thinking-bootleg), we aim to train educators in the following foundation areas:​

  • Learning design & technology integration to transform instruction​ and student support initiatives
  • Data-driven educational planning​
  • Educational risk-taking and creativity​
  • Challenge-based learning
  • Evaluating instructional, learning, and school culture outcomes​
  • Use of Mac OS and iOS tools and apps​ to support educational improvement

Additional topics include, but are not limited to: Coding, virtul/hybrid learning, visual design, media design, and use of Apple apps for assessment, student support, teaching for inclusion, family/community outreach, and school culture initiatives.​

In cooperation with the OSU Digital Flagship program, EHE-IT, and other campus partners, the program offers educators a variety of tools, training, and networking experiences during the academic year. Participants will:​

  • Receive a set of Apple tools (e.g., MacBook, iPad, etc) and accessories/apps to use during the program​
  • Bring a school- or education-based problem of practice to solve​ during the program
  • Attend an in-person on-boarding and tools distribution session​
  • Participate in a 10-week, fully online workshop on the foundation areas ​
  • Meet for monthly, online cohort meetings​
  • Attend additional “pop-up” trainings​
  • Participate in the year-end showcase​
  • Receive a stipend upon program completion ​

Watch a VIDEO from me (program director, Tracey “Dr. Tray” Stuckey) for more application details.

If you know of educators that would be a good fit, please share the program application:


Got Questions?   Email: ehe-creativeeducator@osu.edu OR

Contact Dr. Tray at 614-292-6569 (leave a voice mail, if no answer) | TEXT ONLY at 614-975-3576