Module 7: Final Reflection Blog Post

I have learned a lot of useful things in this class. Overall, what I truly value from this class is that I have learned how to use technology to my advantage. Technology, while it can be a distraction, is great in helping me stay organized, studying, et cetera. There are online tools and apps at my disposal that I wasn’t aware of that can be utilized to aid in learning and completing tasks. As a college student, I tend to find that every bit of help is important. I’m glad to be exposed to new things that can increase productivity and efficiency, thus contributing to a better and balanced life. Learning the materials provided during the course of this class has exposed me to various strategies that I can use to achieve success. This class has showed me my weakness in many areas like time management. Realizing my weaknesses is one of the most important things that I could’ve done as a person. It is because I believe that identifying our weaknesses is the first and necessary step to improve ourselves. How could we get better at something if we don’t even know what is that “something” that we could get better at? I used to be very bad at time management prior to this class. I thought if I couldn’t plan it all out in my head then I couldn’t do it. I mean, I used to think that I should instinctively know what to do, and when to do things because my priority should make that clear to me. So, I sort of came to the conclusion that making a schedule or to-do list is a sign of weakness. Now, I think it’s more likely that strength is being able to admit my limitations and find other ways to overcome them like making a schedule, so I don’t forget to do things that are important in time. It’s become clearer to me that a daily schedule is both a reminder and a guide instead of a mere “remembrance” of my lack of commitment. Apart from that, I have also learned about things that I didn’t think were even that important before such as sleep. I do have to say that I care a lot more about getting enough sleep than I ever did in my entire life. As I looked more into the importance of sleep to our memory and learning, I became more aware in giving enough and comprehensive attention to my physiology. The article “Sleep, Learning, and Memory” (Link) by Harvard Medical School explains succinctly the impacts of having enough quality sleep, and what happens if we deprive ourselves of sleep. The role of sleep plays in our life is one of the most meaningful experiences I’ve gotten from this class. Alright, I’m going to sleep now. Just kidding! In conclusion, I will try to maintain and apply the knowledge I’ve gained in my future endeavors. There are many practical things I’ve learned in this class that are relatively easy to put into work which I’m grateful for. For instances, using online study tools like and learning strategies like metacognition are very much doable. Hence, I will try to keep using things like these to help me in, put it simply, life. I feel like we, as students, should learn to appreciate what technology can do for us more. It’s true that technology is responsible for some of the negative impacts on people’s life, but if we know how to use it properly, it can empower us. Therefore, since my target audience is college students, I suppose we can start studying with the help of technology in whatever possible ways as we’ve learned in this class to start with.

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