Seminar 10.21.21 Maass

Title: Spectral analysis of topological finite rank systems

Speaker: Alejandro Maass – University of Chile

Abstract: Finite topological rank Cantor minimal systems represent a broad class of sub shifts of zero entropy or odometers [Downarowiz-Maass], it contains well studied systems like substitution sub shifts or linearly recurrent systems. In this talk we will present the study of measure-theoretical and topological eigenvalues for such class of systems, given formulas characterizing them. This work is motivated by the seminal work of Bernard Host where it is proved that measure-theoretical and topological eigenvalues of substitutions systems coincide. This is a joint work with Fabien Durand and Alexander Frank.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 916 3892 7725

Password: Mixing

Recorded Talk:

Seminar 10.08.21 Tanaka

Title: The Manhattan curve and rough similarity rigidity

Speaker: Ryokichi Tanaka – Kyoto University

Abstract: For every non-elementary hyperbolic group, we consider the Manhattan curve, which was originally introduced by M. Burger (1993),
associated with any pair of (say) word metrics. It is convex; we show that it is continuously differentiable and moreover is a straight line if and only if the corresponding two metrics are roughly similar, that is, they are within bounded distance after multiplying by a positive constant. I would like to explain how it is related to the central limit theorem for uniform counting measures on spheres, to ergodic theory of topological flows built on general hyperbolic groups, and to the multifractal structure of Patterson-Sullivan measures. Furthermore, I will present some explicit examples including a hyperbolic triangle group and compute the exact value of the mean distortion for a pair of word metrics by using automatic structures of the group.
Joint work with Stephen Cantrell (University of Chicago).

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 916 3892 7725

Password: Mixing

Recorded Talk:

Seminar 09.30.21 Shmerkin

Title: Beyond Furstenberg’s intersection conjecture

Speaker: Bablo Shmerkin – University of British Columbia (UBC)

Abstract: Hillel Furstenberg conjectured in the 1960s that the intersections of closed ×2 and ×3-invariant Cantor sets have “small” Hausdorff dimension. This conjecture was proved independently by Meng Wu and by myself; recently, Tim Austin found a simple proof. I will present some generalizations of the intersection conjecture and other related results.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 916 3892 7725

Password: Mixing

Recorded Talk:

Seminar 09.16.21 Ferre Moragues

Title: Polynomial ergodic averages for certain countable ring actions

Speaker: Andreu Ferre Moragues – Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland

Abstract: Inspired by a recent result of Frantzikinakis that allows one to establish joint ergodicity of general integer valued sequences, we will take a look at the ring actions setup. I will present new joint ergodicity results for families of independent polynomials when the acting ring is a field of characteristic zero, their corollaries in combinatorics and topological dynamics, and the methods of proof. Based on joint work with Andrew Best.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 916 3892 7725

Password: Mixing

Recorded Talk:

Seminar 09.09.21 Wolf

Title: Computability of topological pressure on compact shift spaces beyond finite type

Speaker: Christian Wolf – CUNY

Abstract: In this talk we discuss the computability (in the sense of computable analysis) of the topological pressure $P_{\rm top}(\phi)$ on compact shift spaces $X$ for continuous potentials $\phi:X\to\bR$. This question has recently been studied for subshifts of finite type (SFTs) and their factors (Sofic shifts). We develop a framework to address the computability of the topological pressure on general shift spaces and apply this framework to coded shifts. In particular, we prove the computability of the topological pressure for all continuous potentials on S-gap shifts, generalized gap shifts, and Beta shifts. We also construct shift spaces which, depending on the potential, exhibit computability and non-computability of the topological pressure. We further show that the generalized pressure function $(X,\phi)\mapsto P_{\rm top}(X,\phi\vert_{X})$ is not computable for a large set of shift spaces $X$ and potentials $\phi$. Along the way of developing these computability results, we derive several ergodic-theoretical properties of coded shifts which are of independent interest beyond the realm of computability. The topic of the talk is joint work with Michael Burr (Clemson U.), Shuddho Das (NYU) and Yun Yang (Virginia Tech).

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 916 3892 7725

Password: Mixing

Recorded Talk:

Seminar 08.26.21 Dymek

Title: Topological dynamics of (multidimensional) B-free systems

Speaker: Aurelia Dymek – Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland

Abstract: Sarnak turned attention to B-free systems. In particular, he investigated the squarefree subshift. Two multidimensional generalizations of B-free systems have been dealt with by Cellarosi, Vinogradov, Baake and Huck. My talk will be concerned with some similarities and differences between B-free systems in the one- and multidimensional case. This is a part of my doctoral dissertation.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 916 3892 7725

Password: Mixing

Recorded Talk:

Seminar 04.29.21 Kleinbock

Title: Some remarks on the `eventually always hitting’ property

Speaker: Dmitry Kleinbock – Brandeis University

Abstract: Eventually always hitting (EAH) points are those whose long orbit segments eventually hit the corresponding shrinking targets for all future times. This is a uniform version of the classical hitting property in ergodic theory with shrinking targets; the terminology is due to Dubi Kelmer. Unlike its classical counterpart, not much is known about conditions on the targets for which almost all vs. almost no points are EAH. I will talk about systems where translates of targets exhibit near perfect mutual independence, such as Bernoulli schemes. For such systems tight conditions on the shrinking rate of the targets can be stated so that the set of eventually always hitting points is null or co-null. This is a joint work with Ioannis Konstantoulas (Upsala) and Florian Richter (Northwestern, formerly OSU).

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 980 3359 0349

Password: Mixing

Recorded Talk:

Seminar 04.22.21 Cantrell

Title: Rough similarity, rigidity and the Manhattan Curve for metrics on
hyperbolic groups

Speaker: Steve Cantrell – The University  of Chicago

Abstract: Consider a hyperbolic group equipped with two hyperbolic metrics
that are left invariant and are quasi-isometric to a word metric. A
natural question to ask is: when are these metrics roughly similar, i.e.
when are they within bounded distance after scaling by a positive
constant? In this talk we’ll discuss rigidity statements that characterize
rough similarity in terms of the properties of the so-called Manhattan
Curve. We’ll see how to study this curve using a blend of ideas coming
from ergodic theory and geometric group theory. This is based on joint
work with Ryokichi Tanaka.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 980 3359 0349

Password: Mixing

Recorded Talk:

Seminar 04.15.21 Moreira

Title: Multiplicative recurrence with additive averaging

Speaker: Joel Moreira – University  of Warwick

Abstract: Motivated by the question of whether Pythagorean triples are partition regular, one is naturally led to study sets of recurrence in the semigroup of natural numbers under multiplication. However, for sets with “additive structure”, the usual tools (such as the van der Corput trick) don’t seem to be useful in this context. As an alternative, we propose to study sets of averaging recurrence, where the averaging is taken additively. We present some results in this direction, and some applications to number theory. This is based on joint work with Sebastian Donoso, Anh Le and Wenbo Sun.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 980 3359 0349

Password: Mixing

Recorded Talk:

Seminar 04.08.21 DeWitt

Title: Simultaneous Linearization of Diffeomorphisms of Isotropic Manifolds

Speaker: Jonathan DeWitt – The University of Chicago

Abstract: Suppose that M is a closed isotropic Riemannian manifold and that R_1,…,R_m generate the isometry group of M. Let f_1,…,f_m be smooth perturbations of these isometries. We show that the f_i are simultaneously conjugate to isometries if and only if their associated uniform Bernoulli random walk has all Lyapunov exponents zero. This extends a linearization result of Dolgopyat and Krikorian from S^n to real, complex, and quaternionic projective spaces.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 980 3359 0349

Password: Mixing

Recorded talk:

Seminar 03.25.21 Lemańczyk

Title: On Furstenberg systems of some aperiodic multiplicative functions

Speaker: Mariusz Lemańczyk – Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Abstract: Studying arithmetic properties of multiplicative functions through the so called Furstenberg systems became a powerful and fruitful ergodic tool when dealing with the Sarnak and Chowla conjectures, cf. Frantzikinakis-Host’s theorem on the validity of logarithmic Sarnak’s conjecture for systems having not too many ergodic measures.
The Chowla conjecture, originally formulated for the Liouville function, was expected to hold for a much larger class of multiplicative functions in the sense that it has precisely one Furstenberg system, and this system is “maximally random”.
In 2015‪ Matomäki‬ , Radziwiłł and Tao gave a counterexample to Elliot’s conjecture by constructing aperiodic multiplicative functions (bounded by 1) for which (already) the Chowla conjecture of order 2 fails.
During the talk I will try to describe recent results concerning a variety of Furstenberg systems for ‪Matomäki‬, Radziwiłł, Tao’s functions, in particular, showing that the Chowla conjecture holds for them along some subsequences. The talk is based on my joint work with Alex Gomilko and Thierry de la Rue.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 980 3359 0349

Password: Mixing

Recorded Talk:

Seminar 03.18.21 Robertson

Title: Uniform Distribution of Saddle Connection Lengths

Speaker: Donald Robertson – University of Manchester

Abstract: Saddle connections on flat surfaces are those straight line trajectories connecting singular points. In this talk I will explain what that means and discuss work with Jon Chaika and Benjamin Dozier on the uniform distribution mod 1 of the lengths of saddle connections.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 980 3359 0349

Password: Mixing

Recorded Talk:

Seminar 03.11.21 Kwietniak

Title: Dbar-approachability, entropy density and B-free shifts

Speaker: Dominik Kwietniak – Jagiellonian University in Krakow

Abstract: Let dbar denote the pseudometric on the full shift over a
finite alphabet A given by the upper asymptotic density of the set of
positions at which two A-valued sequences differ. Write H-dbar for the
associated Hausdorff pseudometric for subsets of the full shift. We
study which properties of shift spaces (shifts) are closed with
respect to H-dbar. In particular, we study shifts, which are H-dbar
limits of their Markov approximations. We call these shifts
dbar-approachable. We provide a topological characterization of chain
mixing dbar-approachable shifts analogous to Friedman-Ornstein’s
characterization of Bernoulli processes.

We prove that many specification properties imply
dbar-approachability. It follows that mixing shifts of finite type,
mixing sofic shifts, and beta-shifts are dbar-approachable. We
construct minimal and proximal examples of mixing dbar-approachable
shifts. We also show that dbar-approachability and chain-mixing imply
dbar-stability, a property recently introduced by Tim Austin. This
leads to examples of minimal or proximal dbar-stable shift spaces,
answering a question posed by Austin. Finally, we show that the set of
shifts with entropy-dense ergodic measures is H-dbar closed. Note that
entropy-density of ergodic measures is known to follow from the
specification property, but the minimal or proximal examples are far
from having any specification. Finally, we show entropy-density for a
class of shifts that includes many interesting B-free shifts. These
shift spaces are not dbar-approachable, but they are H-dbar limits of
sequences of transitive sofic shifts, and this implies

This is a joint work with Jakub Konieczny and Michal Kupsa.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 980 3359 0349

Password: Mixing

Recorded talk:

Seminar 03.04.21 Merriman

Title: Using modular surfaces to generate continued fractions

Speaker: Claire Merriman – The Ohio State University

Abstract: Continued fractions are frequently studied in number theory, but they can also be described geometrically. I will give both pictorial and algebraic descriptions of the flows that describe continued fraction expansions. This talk will focus on continued fractions of the form $a_1\pm\frac{1}{a_2\pm\frac{1}{a_3\pm\ddots}}$, where the $a_i$ are odd. I will show how to describe these continued fractions as geodesic on the hyperbolic plane, and how they cross cells of the Farey tessellation.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 980 3359 0349

Password: Mixing

Recorded talk:

Seminar 02.25.21 Richter

Title: Additive and geometric transversality of fractal sets in the integers

Speaker: Florian K. Richter – Northwestern University

Abstract: Using the language of fractal geometry and dynamical systems, Furstenberg proposed a series of conjectures in the 1960s that explore the relationship between digit expansions of real numbers in distinct prime bases. While his famous x2 x3 conjecture remains open, recent solutions to some of his “transversality conjectures” have shed new light on old problems. In this talk we explore analogues questions in the discrete setting of the integers, with the aim of understanding the independence of sets of integers that are structured with respect to different prime bases. This is based on joint work with Daniel Glasscock and Joel Moreira.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 980 3359 0349

Password: Mixing

Recorded talk:

Seminar 02.18.21 Glasscock

Title: Recent progress on a question of Katznelson concerning topological recurrence

Speaker: Daniel Glasscock – UMass Lowell

Abstract: Katznelson’s question is a longstanding open question at the intersection of topological dynamics, combinatorial number theory, and harmonic analysis: Is every set of Bohr recurrence a set of topological recurrence?  Equivalently, does the set of differences A-A of a set of integers A with bounded gaps contain the iterated difference set (B-B)-(B-B) of a set B of positive upper density?  In this talk, I will survey what little is known about Katznelson’s question and explain some recent progress achieved in joint work with Andreas Koutsogiannis and Florian Richter.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 980 3359 0349

Password: Mixing

Recorded Talk:

Seminar 02.11.21 Donoso

Title: Topological and combinatorial aspects of finite topological rank systems

Speaker: Sebastián Donoso – University of Chile

Abstract: In this talk, I will review recent results in the class of finite topological rank minimal subshifts. Such systems are the ones that can be represented with a Bratteli diagram (and a Vershik map on it) where the number of vertices at each level is uniformly bounded. I will analyze their correspondence with the $\mathcal{S}$-adic subshifts and their complexity word function.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 980 3359 0349

Password: Mixing

Recorded talk: