Title: Spectral analysis of topological finite rank systems
Speaker: Alejandro Maass – University of Chile
Abstract: Finite topological rank Cantor minimal systems represent a broad class of sub shifts of zero entropy or odometers [Downarowiz-Maass], it contains well studied systems like substitution sub shifts or linearly recurrent systems. In this talk we will present the study of measure-theoretical and topological eigenvalues for such class of systems, given formulas characterizing them. This work is motivated by the seminal work of Bernard Host where it is proved that measure-theoretical and topological eigenvalues of substitutions systems coincide. This is a joint work with Fabien Durand and Alexander Frank.
Zoom link: https://osu.zoom.us/j/91638927725
Meeting ID: 916 3892 7725
Password: Mixing
Recorded Talk: https://osu.zoom.us/rec/share/6x1GYGHuPkjR4KFdpi4usJMP1ert17FX_RHSF_MVaxIkD6PrLXjLO83fXN_-CR8u.0rZGFYbboMqO4Ps7