The 2015 Midwest Dynamics Meetings will take place October 30th-November 1st at the Ohio State University. The list of speakers is:
Keith Burns (Northwestern)
Jon Chaika (Utah)
Jana Rodriguez Hertz (IMERL, Uruguay)
Yakov Pesin (Penn State)
Charles Pugh (UC Berkeley)
Don Saari (UC Irvine)
Anush Tserunyan (UIUC)
Zhiren Wang (Penn State)
Jeff Xia (Northwestern)
Jim Yorke (Maryland)
The plenary talk for the conference will be given by Yakov Pesin.
The saturday p.m. session and the conference dinner are dedicated to Carl Simon (Michigan) in honor of his 70th birthday.
There will also be a poster session, for which we invite the contribution of all interested participants.
The conference is supported by the NSF, and the Ohio State University MRI. There are funds available for participant support, which will be allocated in keeping with NSF guideline – students, recent PhDs, underrepresented groups, and people with no other federal support get priority. Registration, and information on lodging, etc, will be made available on the conference website u.osu.edu/mwds2015.
For more information, please contact the local organizer, Dan Thompson, at thompson@math.osu.edu.