Title: Beyond Furstenberg’s intersection conjecture
Speaker: Bablo Shmerkin – University of British Columbia (UBC)
Abstract: Hillel Furstenberg conjectured in the 1960s that the intersections of closed ×2 and ×3-invariant Cantor sets have “small” Hausdorff dimension. This conjecture was proved independently by Meng Wu and by myself; recently, Tim Austin found a simple proof. I will present some generalizations of the intersection conjecture and other related results.
Zoom link: https://osu.zoom.us/j/91638927725
Meeting ID: 916 3892 7725
Password: Mixing
Recorded Talk: https://osu.zoom.us/rec/share/qQEteZ_GglmdyYvMPoZyFwipOFOENgKYvoYIar9tCmhxLm82JhuYaLNr7bNqoFxb.pHzsX46hQRGFTR2y