Title: Uniform Distribution of Saddle Connection Lengths
Speaker: Donald Robertson – University of Manchester
Abstract: Saddle connections on flat surfaces are those straight line trajectories connecting singular points. In this talk I will explain what that means and discuss work with Jon Chaika and Benjamin Dozier on the uniform distribution mod 1 of the lengths of saddle connections.
Zoom link: https://osu.zoom.us/j/98033590349
Meeting ID: 980 3359 0349
Password: Mixing
Recorded Talk: https://osu.zoom.us/rec/play/Gn_hXP0BBP7r3HPdodAJuEUxk3ed9ZUfUstA9aS6gKBrFBiLuyOmp6Y8tdA4zHta_Yk0zox-lIuk2iUR._SxZ3acW_MWm4WXD?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=8CfvQXwLTHOXESID46FWow.1616204141275.c79ea67121104fa26c652ee4a2cdd174&_x_zm_rhtaid=272