Preliminary Design Report

The team conducted a series of 7 Labs which ultimately produced a final AEV prototype. In Lab 1, the team became familiar with the system hardware components and learned basic function calls in controlling the AEV. In Lab 2, the team became familiar with the external sensor hardware components, learned function calls for using the external sensors, and became familiar with wind tunnel testing to determine propulsion efficiency. In Lab 3, the team used the techniques of creative design thinking to create an orthographic drawing of an initial AEV design. In Lab 4, the team learned how to download data from the automatic control system and convert that data into physical parameters. The team also became familiar with the MATLAB design analysis tool and learned how to conduct performance analysis of an AEV operation. In Lab 5, the team became familiar with techniques for design decision making and utilized decision matrices to screen and score AEV designs. In Lab 7, the team utilized Excel to calculate the Marks Error of the AEV. In Lab 8, the team conducted their first performance test which included a series of 3 tests created to determine which AEV design would use to complete the MCR and minimize the energy used.


There were 3 significant errors that the team encountered over the course of the AEV project. Two of the errors were observed in Lab 2 and the final error was observed in Lab 7. The first error discovered was that the propellers were not pushing air towards the rear of the vehicle, but were instead operating in reverse. At first, the team assumed this problem could be solved by flipping the propellers on the motors. After testing the AEV, this issue remained unresolved, so the team came to the conclusion that the motors were running backwards. In order to compensate for this, a simple reverse() command was placed at the start of the code to run the motor in the right direction. The second error was discovered when the team originally tested the sensors in Lab 2. The team noticed that the marks were moving in the negative direction as the AEV was traveling forwards. This error was corrected by switching the sensor connectors on the Arduino. The third error was discovered in Lab 7 when the team noticed that the AEV wheel count sensors were not working properly. In order to complete the task, the team had to have a Marks Error of 2 or less, but the team vehicle had a Marks Error of 9. In an attempt to lower the error, the team worked with instructors to inspect the AEV to ensure the wheels were functioning correctly and the reflective tape was in appropriate condition. No existing errors were found in the vehicle itself, so the team attempted to measure the Marks Error again, making sure to take accurate measurements along the track. The error remained the same, varying greatly from the class average. To resolve this error, the team created a custom marks-to-inches conversion specific to their AEV. They took the total distance travelled (228.86 inches) and divided it by the number of marks measured (475 marks) to get .4818 inches/mark.


Team meeting notes


Houston 2nd Floor

Gabe, Eugene, Andrew, Mark



Complete Progress Report Lab 8. Create two designs to be tested in Lab 08. Work on sections of PDR. Update project portfolio- discuss with team.


Tasks Completed

  • Progress Report Lab 8- All- Complete
  • Code Commenting- Andrew Coyle- Complete
  • Team Meeting Notes-Gabe Hedges -Complete
  • Updating Project Portfolio- Gabe Hedges- Incomplete
  • Work on individual sections for PDR


Tasks for Upcoming Week

  • Update Project Portfolio- Gabe
  • Plan two individual designs to be tested
  • Study for LPQ
  • Work on PDR



  • Meetings have been effective. Team is working well together.
  • Potentially research/implement time management strategies to accomplish all given tasks
Task Start End Time Gabe Eugene Mark Andrew Percent Completed
Update Project Portfolio 3/26 4/4 30 minutes 0%
Lab 10 Progress Report 3/28 4/4 2 hours 0%
Create second set of code 3/28 4/1 30 minutes 5 min 15%
Part 2 of Extra Credit Video 3/28 4/11 2 hours 0%
Solidworks Models 3/23 3/27 5 hours 2.5 hr 2.5 hr 100%
AEV Building 3/20 3/24 30 minutes 30 min 100%


To view the entire report, please follow this link: PDR-2d5kf8i