Lab 3

In Lab 03, the main objectives were to learn two techniques used for creative design, become familiar with the components in the AEV kit, implement orthographic drawing skills, and brainstorm AEV concept sketches. The techniques that help with being more creative include asking questions and exchanging and sharing ideas with one another. These were used to increase the knowledge about the environment around you. The team used these techniques to make brainstorming potential AEV designs more beneficial. Each team member would create their own concept AEV design, then the team would discuss the benefits and downfalls of each design, and then combine designs to create the official Team Concept AEV sketch.


Each team member made an individual concept sketch. The team the combined all the effective features of each individual sketch to decrease weight, increase speed, and maintain stability throughout the journey along the track. This is shown in Figure 1 below. The T-shaped body and use of the stabilizer wing that crosses perpendicularly to the middle of the body were implemented to increase stability. The automatic control system would be placed on top and to the rear of the AEV. The team believed that this combination of weight displacement and stability will prove most effective in completing the scenario as stated in the Mission Concept Review.

                 Figure 1                                        Figure 2                                        Figure 3                                       Figure 4

Team meeting notes


Houston Study Room

Gabe, Eugene, Andrew, Mark (online)



Prepare strategies for future labs and assignments. Discuss and complete project documentation. Work together to complete the Lab 4 Progress Report and look into the extra credit video assignment.


Tasks Completed

  • Team Meeting Notes-Mark Hoelzer -Complete
  • Updating Project Portfolio- Gabe Hedges- Complete
  • Discuss Project Report Strategies


Tasks for Upcoming Week

  • Update Project Portfolio- Gabe
  • Combine AEV drawings into initial design- All
  • Complete Lab 5 Progress Report- All
  • Lab 04



  • Individual expectations were set and documented. Team believes this communication will increase efficiency of meetings and productivity
  • Expectations were met
  • No need for further improvements at this point


  • Task Teammate(s) Start Date End Date Time Needed
    Update portfolio Gabe 01/31/17 02/06/17 2 hr.
    Complete Lab 04 All 02/07/17 02/07/17 1 hr.
    Lab 5 Progress Report All 02/07/17 02/14/17 2 hr.