Lab 6

The purpose of Lab 6 was to program the AEV to run on a straight track, verify the AEV wheel count sensor, and calculate the propeller force and the friction force. This lab was of utmost importance in the design and operation of the AEV because it would give the team insight on the operational effectiveness of the wheel count sensor and the types of forces that were acting upon the AEV.


A sample code was given to the team for the AEV to run on a straight track. The team is to record the starting and ending point that the AEV travels, calculate the marks travelled and compare it to the uploaded data from the AEV arduino. The task was to make sure the wheel count sensor was working properly by checking that the Marks of Error was 2 or less.  If the Marks Error was larger than 2, the Wheel Counter would not be working properly and an instructor would be needed to inspect the AEV.


Through the results in Lab 07, the team learned that the drag force accounted for less than 1% of the total force on the AEV. With this information, they determined that aerodynamics were of minimal concern in the AEV design. The team discovered that the biggest issue with their AEV design was balance. The AEV would consistently lean one way or the other proportional to the battery. The battery weight was significant enough that even with the Arduino and both motors on the opposite side of the AEV, the AEV was still off-balance. The team determined that balance was a critical issue because an off-balance AEV would be limited with how fast it could travel, and would have higher risk of falling off of the track and acquiring damage. Given these conditions, the key takeaway for the team was that it would be critical to create an AEV design that could be properly balanced.


Team meeting notes


Houston 2nd Floor

Gabe, Eugene, Andrew, Mark



Complete Progress Report Lab 8. Create two designs to be tested in Lab 08. Work on sections of PDR. Update project portfolio- discuss with team.


Tasks Completed

  • Progress Report Lab 8- All- Complete
  • Code Commenting- Andrew Coyle- Complete
  • Team Meeting Notes-Gabe Hedges -Complete
  • Updating Project Portfolio- Gabe Hedges- Incomplete
  • Work on individual sections for PDR


Tasks for Upcoming Week

  • Update Project Portfolio- Gabe
  • Plan two individual designs to be tested
  • Study for LPQ
  • Work on PDR



  • Meetings have been effective. Team is working well together.
  • Potentially research/implement time management strategies to accomplish all given tasks
Task Teammate(s) Start Date End Date Time Needed
PDR ALL 2/18 3/6 2 hours
Extra credit video Eugene and Mark 2/21 2/28 2 hours
Project Portfolio Gabe 2/21 2/28 30 minutes
Build AEV ALL 2/18 2/28 1 hour
Solidworks Designs Eugene 2/21 3/6 3 hours




//Commands AEV for all motors to go at 30% power for 4 seconds




//Commands all motors to go at 0% power for 10 seconds


