Performance Test 1


  • Our servo brake was not functioning properly due to the the servo arm not being properly attached to the servo.
  • Our servo sometimes unattaches from the AEV body.
  • The number of times we ran the AEV using the same battery affected our AEV’s performance.
  • After stopping at the gate on the way back, our motors do not provide enough power for the AEV to return to the initial point (we even tried using 63% power and our AEV was still not able to return to the initial point).


rotateServo(45); //set servo to initial position
reverse(4); //reverse initial motor
motorSpeed(4,35); //set speed to 35 for all motors
goToAbsolutePosition(255); //go for 265 marks
brake(4); // stop
rotateServo(0); // engage servo as physical brake