Lab 3 – AEV Design Concept Screening and Scoring

During the concept screening and scoring, the group developed criteria to grade their initial designs. The group decided that the AEV’s weight and energy efficiency were of the most importance. However, the group also decided to take other factors into account including balance, maintenance, durability, and speed.  Once this had been completed, the group reviewed their designs and rated them using the screening and scoring matrices. The results of this review can be seen in the scoring matrix below in Table 1. Furthermore, after conducting this lab, the group learned how to effectively perform a screening a scoring.

Table 1: Scoring Matrix

Table 2: Lab 3 Schedule

Task Teammates Start Date End Date Time
Develop Screening/

Scoring Matrices

All 2-16-17 2-16-17 10 min
Test Designs All 2-16-17 2-16-17 40min


All 2-16-17 2-16-17 20 min

Team Meeting Notes

On February 18th, 2017, the whole group met at around 3:30 pm to look over everything that was due the following week. The first task completed was the PDR worksheet. Afterwards, the group discussed what each member would contribute to the presentation. Once that had been completed, the group worked on the progress report for lab 6. After the report had been written, the group quickly updated the portfolio for lab 6 and departed at around 6:30 pm.