Performance Test 1

During the group’s first performance test, the group focused on the overall design of the AEV. The group conducted several trial runs during which the AEV designs traveled from the starting point to the first gate. After this, the group compared how both AEV designs ran. Furthermore, both designs proved to be balanced, however, the efficiency of the second design was slightly higher than the efficiency of the first. These results can be seen in the graph below. For this graph, the first design is the orange line and the second design is the red line.


Figure 1: Prototype 1


Figure 2: Prototype 2

Figure 3: Power vs. Time

Table 1: Performance Test 1 Schedule


Teammate(s) Start Date End Date Time Needed
Evaluate AEV design All 3-9-17 3-9-17 1 hour and 20 minutes
Lab 5 Report All 3-9-17 3-9-17 1 hour and 30 minutes
Update Project Portfolio All 3-10-17 3-10-17 15 minutes

Team meeting notes

On March 10th at around 2:30 pm, the group met to discuss the results from the first performance test. Additionally, the group worked on the progress report for the first performance test and spoke about the upcoming performance test regarding the code used with the AEV. The group decided to test two separate codes, one based on time and the other based on position. Furthermore, the group completed the progress report at around 4:00 pm and updated the project portfolio to include the findings from the performance test.