Performance Test 3

During the third and final performance test, the group focused on maximizing the efficiency of the AEV. To accomplish this, the group decided to experiment with modifying different portions of the final code developed during the second performance test. Specifically, the group tested the AEV with a lower applied power while it traveled to retrieve the cargo. In addition to this, the Servo was used to stop the AEV rather than consuming extra power to apply the brake. Moreover, the group anticipated that the AEV would be efficient during a full run. However,  after reviewing the power versus time plot made in matlab, it was discovered that the design was not as efficient as hoped for. The total energy used to complete one full circuit was roughly 350 Joules which is roughly twice the amount that the group had expected. The results from the third performance test can be seen below in Figure 1.


Figure 1: Power vs. Time

Figure 1:Power vs. Time for Final Test

Table 1: Performance Test 2 Schedule

Task Teammates Start Date End Date Time
Refine code All 4-10-17 4-10-17 1 hour
Complete progress report All 4-6-17 4-10-17 2 hours
Update portfolio All 4-8-17 4-8-17 20 min

Team Meeting Notes

On April 7th, the group met at around 3:00 pm to discuss what needed to be done the following week before the final test. Specifically, the group went over what sections of the code should be refined in order to maximize the AEV’s efficiency. Additionally, the group worked on the progress report for lab 11. At around 5:30 pm, the group completed the report and quickly updated their project portfolio.