Meeting Notes (02/02/17)
The group met February 2, during lab at 1:50 pm. During this time, the group listened to the GTA’s presentation and decided to revisit the unfinished lab from the previous week. Because of this, the team neglected the simple sketching and brainstorming tasks of the current lab and saved them to be completed on the team’s individual time. While revisiting the previous lab, the group fine-tuned the coding for the AEV on the inside track, and uploaded it to the vehicle. After a couple errors and alterations, the group finally got the AEV to perform a little like it was supposed to in the coding. The only variable that affected the success of the AEV seemed to be the mark counting of the vehicle as it traveled along the path. Once the group was satisfied with the progress, the group decided to end lab there, and accomplish the other parts of the lab on individual time. The team ended their meeting at around 1:30 pm.
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