After Progress Report One
Date |
Upcoming assignments |
Week 5 |
Complete progress report 1 and finish lab 4
- Rylee and Pedro will test the code for power breaking (.25 hours)
- Karen and Kalen will test the code for coasting (.25 hours)
- Pedro will complete the forward looking summary (2 hours)
- Kalen will complete the backward looking summary (1.5 hours)
- Rylee will compile the graphs and tables (.75 minutes)
- Karen will format the document and make sure all criteria were met (2 hours)
Week 6 |
Complete grant proposal and AEV energy model spreadsheet, prepare for committee meeting 1
- Rylee and Pedro will evaluate the strengths and weakness of the current AEV and brainstorm cost effective solutions (1 hour)
- Kalen will create the part in solidworks (1.5 hours)
- Karen will create presentation slide, address all points outlined in the rubric, and present the proposal (1 hour)
Week 7 |
Work on website update 3 and the R&D oral presentation
- Kalen and Pedro will prepare documents for R&D and prepare answers to expected questions (1 hour)
- Karen will prepare HR documents and prepare answers to expected questions (1 hour)
- Rylee will prepare PR documents and prepare answers to expected questions (1 hour)
Week 8 |
Get ready for progress report 2
- The group will meet on tuesday and determine which members will complete which parts of the progress report (1 hour)
Date |
Tasks for next team meetings to be done by the group |
2/12/18 |
Grant Proposal, AEV Energy Model Spreadsheet |
2/13/18 |
Committee Meeting 1 preparation |
2/19/18 |
Track Website Update 3, R&D oral presentation |
2/26/18 |
Progress report 2 |
After Progress Report Two
Date |
Lab Topics |
Deliverables Due |
Week 9a |
FT 1 a- Design Concept Comparison |
Progress Report 2
- Rylee will complete the backward looking summary – situation and appendices
- Pedro will complete the backward looking summary – analysis
- Karen will complete the forward looking summary – takeaways and tables
- Kalen will complete the forward looking summary
Week 9b |
FT 1 b- Design Concept Comparison |
Week 9c |
FT 1 c- Design Concept Comparison |
Performance Test 1
- Rylee will be at the starting dock
- Pedro will be at the gate
- Karen will code the AEV
- Kalen will assemble AEV
Week 10a |
FT 2 a- Operational Objectives |
CDR Draft
- Rylee will complete the results
- Pedro will complete the appendix
- Karen will complete the executive summary
- Kalen will complete the conclusions and recommendations
Week 10b |
FT 2 b- Operational Objectives |
Week 10c |
FT 2 c- Operational Objectives |
Performance Test 2
- Rylee will review AEV code AEV
- Pedro will run the AEV on the track
- Karen will code the AEV
- Kalen will assemble AEV
Week 11a |
FT 3 a- Energy Optimization |
Committee Meeting 2
- Rylee will be presenting PR
- Pedro will be presenting R & D
- Karen will be presenting HR
- Kalen will be presenting R & D
Week 11b |
FT 3 b- Energy Optimization |
Week 11c |
FT 3 c- Energy Optimization |
Progress Report 3
- Rylee will complete the backward looking summary – situation and appendices
- Pedro will complete the backward looking summary – analysis
- Karen will complete the forward looking summary – takeaways and tables
- Kalen will complete the forward looking summary
Date |
Tasks for team meetings |
3/7/2018 |
Finish progress report 2 and discuss spring break plan to work on CDR Draft |
3/20/2018 |
Complete any elements for CDR draft and develop method for performance test 1 |
3/27/2018 |
Develop method for performance test 2 |
4/3/2018 |
Complete progress report 3 |
After Progress Report Three
Date |
Lab Topics |
Deliverables Due |
Week 11c |
Progress Report 3 due
- Kalen will complete the backwards looking summary- situation and analysis
- Pedro will complete the backwards looking summary- takeaways
- Karen will work on forward looking summary- situation and goals
- Rylee will work on schedule and the appendices
Week 12a |
PT 3- Final testing preparation |
Final Oral Presentation Draft
- Kalen will work on description of design processes
- Pedro will work on description of final performance
- Karen will work on organization and citations
- Rylee will work on the introduction
Week 12b |
PT 3- Final testing preparation |
Final Performance Test
- Rylee will be at the starting dock
- Pedro will be at the gate
- Karen will code the AEV
- Kalen will assemble AEV
Week 12c |
PT 3- Final testing preparation |
Final Performance Test
- Rylee will be at the starting dock
- Pedro will be at the gate
- Karen will code the AEV
- Kalen will assemble AEV
Week 13a |
Preparation for final presentation |
Final Oral Presentation
- Kalen will work on description of design processes
- Pedro will work on description of final performance
- Karen will work on organization and citations
- Rylee will work on the introduction
Week 13b |
Final Oral Presentation |
Week 13c |
Final Oral Presentation |
- Rylee will complete the results
- Pedro will complete the appendix
- Karen will complete the executive summary
- Kalen will complete the conclusions and recommendations
- The group will work on the website together to finalize everything
Date |
Tasks for team meetings |
04/03/2018 |
Complete Progress report 3 and discuss showcase |
04/10/2018 |
- Work on the poster for the showcase.
- Work on final testing codes and make sure the AEV is working correctly
4/17/2018 |
- Prepare for the showcase and finalize anything that needs to be done on our AEV
- Complete website.