Sales Pitch


Overall the aev for team I was successful at the end when it came to completing the performance tests that were assigned.  The project did not go as smoothly as possible for a multitude of reasons, but like any good team, everyone came together and did what needed to be done. Hours of hard work and dedication came together to create a functional advanced energy vehicle that could be used to transport goods and passengers to and from the cities that so desperately need it.

Concerning the budget of the project, the team’s aev was over budget independently, however it used the smallest amount of energy and the time in the company. This means that while the aev is suitable for this project, it could be beneficial to spend more time reducing the energy usage of the run and the time it takes to complete the run.

Adding the servo is what really made the aev stand out and perform in a way that is beneficial. With more testing, this aev could for sure be what is needed to help the people of Linden, Easton, and Polaris.