Battery Testing

Objective: Determine the relationship between battery voltage and distance traveled and battery voltage and number of runs.

  1. Obtain battery
  2. Record Voltage at full capacity
  3. Perform five trials uploading data between runs

Code used for trial runs:




Data Collected:

Distance Traveled (Marks) Voltage
320 – 220.5 = 99.5 8.2764
310 – 225.5 = 84.5 8.1885
312 – 218.3 = 93.7 8.0859

Relevant Plots:


The data indicate that for a given code, the distance that the AEV travels decreases with decreasing voltage. The effect is negligible in the first one to three runs, but would become significant around the tenth. There were not enough trials to determine whether the decrease was linear or exponential, but this is not significant since any drop would negatively impact the precision

Moving Forward:

Knowing that the AEV will travel farther when the voltage is high, the team will avoid running running the same battery for more than five trials. If it is not possible to obtain a fresh battery, the team will be able to include the decreasing voltage as a contributing factor in the analysis.