
Meeting #1

Date: 22-Jan-2017

Time: 2:17pm (Face-to-Face)

Members Present: Jessica Hudak, Melanie Gross, Jennifer Bertrand, Katie Gonsoulin

Topics Discussed: Lab 1 Progress Report, u.osu.edu Website, Team Progress Report, AEV Concept Design


Objective: Today’s goal was to assign parts for progress report, build AEV, complete website, begin team calendar


To do/Action Items:

-Progress Report-(JH, JB, MG, KG)

-Build AEV-(KG)


-Team Calendar-(JB, KG, MG, JH)



-Build entire concept AEV



-Team will continue to work on progress report and have all parts completed by Wednesday

-Will update website with calendar and other aspects when completed

-AEV construction almost finished, waiting for additional assistance from instructional team


Meeting #2

Date: 29-Jan-2017

Time: 3:04pm (Face-to-Face)

Members Present: Jessica Hudak, Melanie Gross, Jennifer Bertrand, Katie Gonsoulin

Topics Discussed: Lab 2 Progress Report


Objective: Today’s goal was to assign parts for progress report, update the project portfolio website and update the team calendar.


To do/Action Items:

-Progress Report-(JH, JB, MG, KG)

-Project Portfolio: (MG, JB, KG, JH)

-Team Calendar: (MG)



-Decide who will complete which aspects of the progress report and project portfolio



-This week our AEV design was a little off balance, we will continue to work on the design for the upcoming weeks.