Preliminary R&D Labs

Labs 1-5

Reference :

1.The Ohio State University Advance Energy Vehicle Design Project : Preliminary Research and Design

2.The Ohio State University Advance Energy Vehicle Design Project : Mission Concept Review(MCR) and deliverable

Lab 1:

Programming Basics

The purpose of Lab 1 is to help the team to get familiar of the setup of hardware for the project , learn to program basic function used to control the AEV and upload the codes into the AEV. Team members should know how to deal with troubles that may occur during the experiment and in the future use of AEV hardware.
The motor starts well, but it takes time when it need to change the speed, change the direction or brake down. It can be observed that the motor slow down or speed up gradually and keep roaring for a little while when running the brake command. The time needed for the change should be take into consideration for further design.

Basic Arduino Functions

Code Used:

// Run motor one at a constant speed (23% power) for 2.5 second.




// Brake motor one.


//Accelerate motor one from start to 15% power in 2.5 seconds.


//Run motor one at a constant speed (15% power) for 1 second.



//Brake motor one


//Accelerate motor two from start to 27% power in 4 seconds.


//Run motor two at a constant speed (27% power) for 2.7 seconds.



//Decelerate motor two to 15% power in 1 second.


//Brake motor two.


//Reverse the direction of only motor 2.


//Accelerate all motors from start to 31% power in 2 seconds.


// Run all motors at a constant speed of 35% power for 1 second.



//Brake motor two but keep motor one running at a constant speed (35% power) for 3 seconds.




// Brake all motors for 1 second.



//Reverse the direction of motor one.


//Accelerate motor one from start to 19% power over 2 seconds.


//Run motor two at 35% power while simultaneously running motor one at 19% power for 2 seconds.

motorSpeed(2,35); goFor(2);

motorSpeed(1,19); goFor(2);

//Run both motors at a constant speed (19% power) for 2 seconds





// Decelerate both motors to 0% power in 3 seconds

celerate(1,19,0,3); celerate(2,19,0,3);

//Brake all motors



Lab 2:

The purpose of lab 2 is to help the team to become familiar with hardware and functions used to call the reflectance sensors. These sensors are attached closely to the wheels so they can detect the movement of the wheels, including its direction and the distant.


Figure 1 : Sensor Attached to the Arm


The function of the reflectance sensors is that it helps keep track of the distance that the AEV has traveled on the track using a system of marks. Thus, their importance in completing the MCR for that these particular sensors is to make sure that careful attention is placed to the calibration of these sensors. Reflectance sensors have the ability to tell the direction and the displacement of the AEV when marks are converted into engineering inches using the computer. If the sensors are not connected properly, the USB is unplugged or there is a low battery voltage, there could be consequences when the Arduino program is running.

From an observation in Lab 1, it has been observed that there will be a delay for the motor to run commands, especially commands like changing velocity or braking. Due to the inertia of the AEV, the AEV itself will not change its moving status immediately and this needed to be worked with in future labs as Newtonian physics reigns supreme on Earth.

Code used :

//This block of code was used to test each motor to see whether it worked and assess the accuracy of the arduino controller.
motorSpeed(1,23); // Run motor one at a constant speed (23% power) for 2.5 second.
brake(1); // Brake motor one.
motorSpeed(2,23); //Run motor one at a constant speed (23% power) for 2.5 seconds.
brake(2); //Brake motor two

//This block of code was used to test the all motor function built in the Arduino IDE using the number 4 (stands for all motors).
motorSpeed(4,30); // Run all motors at a constant speed (30% power) for 5 seconds.
brake(4);//Brakes all motors.

Lab 3: Creative Design Thinking (Individual Designs)
AEV Sketch

Sketch 1 (Zhang Xinyi)
Our team’s goal is to ensure the safety of the passenger and reach a relative higher speed to reduce the time needed for people to travel. To ensure a higher speed, we try to design null, our prototype in the shape of airplane since airplane travels in the similar situation in air. To decrease the friction between the track and the wheel, null has a streamline outline to produce buoyancy while traveling at a high speed and reduce the force on the wheel and therefore reduce the friction and ensure a higher speed under same power. Null has two motors and can ride at a much higher speed with one single motor. To ensure the safety of the passenger, the power system and the motor are separated to ensure the safety and avoid second damage when accident happens.

Projected Weight: 12-13 lbs
AEV Material = 6lbs
Shell Weight= 6-7 lbs
Arduino board –> Motors –> Sensors –> Propellors = 136.00
L-shape Arm –> Wheels –> Battery –> Rectangle pieces (3) = 16.00
Screws –> Brackets –> Clamps –> Other remote assisting necessities = 9.00
Shell body –> Aev outside (Shield/Body) = 15
Total Cost: $176

Sketch 2 (Evamaria Nazario-Maldonado)

My design is based on a submarine due to an AEV having similarities to robotics as well as other factors. A submarine in real life handles a lot of pressure in the air/underwater, maintains a velocity of several hundred knots (more than a nautical mile) as well as having very durable parts. The model showcases a curved spherical front as well as propellers in the back that push the AEV towards the destination. Furthermore, the AEV’s insides are protected by durable lining in a spherical form to stimulate passenger protection and also keep the parts safely in the AEV during its voyage.
Projected Weight: 11 lbs
AEV Material = 6lbs
Submarine form tube = 3 lbs
Other submarine material = 2lbs
Arduino board –> Motors –> Sensors –> Propellors = 136.00
L-shape Arm –> Wheels –> Battery –> Rectangle pieces (3) = 16.00
Screws –> Brackets –> Clamps –> Other remote assisting necessities = 9.00
Submarine body –> Aev outside (Shield/Body) = 21.00
Total Cost: $182.00

Sketch 3 (Tiankai Cui)

My design is generally based on the prototype of a NASA’s spacecraft, it had a cabinet as its top parts. In the other two sides, it had two motors, each of them was propelled by the power which lied in the middle of the AEV. The shortage of my AEV is the configuration of my power supply, in that case, the concern was the battery was not able to support motors sufficiently.




Electric motors(x2)…$19.98

Servo motors…$

Electric motors(x2)…$19.98



1×3 Rectangle(2)…$2.00

1.5×3 Rectangle(1)…$1.00                                         Total: $180.8

2.5×1.75 Rectangle…$2.00


Battery Supply…$2.00

L-shape arm(2)…$6.00



Budget unit

Arduino $1.00

Electric motors $19.98

Count sensor $4000


Sketch 4(Jingyuan Wang)

The initial team design sketch is based off the combination of a submarine and an airplane. The areodynamics of the airplane design was incorporated to reduce force on the wheel and provide a higher safety factor than the other designs. On the other hand, the front of the AEV is to have a curved spherical part to reduce resistance from friction plus the submarine-like shape allows fro a greater increase in velocity/acceleration. As the design includes having the fragile parts like the battery and the motor be covered, the shape is constructed to heighten durability. Nonetheless, the material that is to be used in this design is not decided as of yet with an emphasis now on testing a variety of plastics and light metals.

Projected Weight: 12-13 lbs

AEV Material = 6lbs

Shell Weight= 6-7 lbs


Arduino board –> Motors –> Sensors –> Propellors = 136.00

L-shape Arm –> Wheels –> Battery –> Rectangle pieces (3) = 16.00

Screws –> Brackets –> Clamps –> Other remote assisting necessities = 9.00

Shell body –> Aev outside (Shield/Body) = 15

Total Cost: $176

Lab 4: Design Analysis Tool

The purpose of lab 4 is to help the team to be familiar with MATLAB based design analysis tool and let the team to learn to upload data into the tool and use the tool to analysis the operation and export the reports.

 Figure 1 : Power vs. Time

Figure 2 : Power vs. Distance

Figure 3 : Data Table

Analysis of the figures

It can be seen from the Figure 1. Power vs.Time in appendix D that the AEV needs time and extra power to start running after receiving a command. The first command of the AEV is run 2.5 seconds of 45% power, it can be seem from the figure that the power jumps to about 8 watts at start and takes about 0.1 seconds to return to 5.62 watts and the power stays the same before 2.4 seconds. The second code accelerate both motors from 0% of power to 50% of power in 3 seconds and it can be seem from the figure that the line reach the bottom on x-axis and then increase to about 11 watts in  about 3 seconds. It can be seen that the motor needs time to brake as the steep decreasing line is not absolutely vertical. The AEV then run at a speed of 50% power for 2 seconds. It can also be seen on the figure that there is a steep decent after as the speed change to 30% of power. The AEV runs at 30% power for 3 seconds and reverse and create a steepest increase in the figure. It shows that the AEV requires lots of power for a short time to change the motor’s direction, and then keeping running on 45% percent of power for around 3 seconds. Then the AEV stops and power drop to 0.


From the Figure 2. Power vs. Distance in appendix D,  it can be seem that it looks similar to the power vs. Time figure. The first command of the AEV is run 2.5 seconds of 45% power, it can be seem from the figure that the power jumps to about 8 watts at start before return to 5.62 watts and then power stays the same and travel about 0.28 meters. The second code accelerate both motors from 0% of power to 50% of power in 3 seconds and it can be seem from the figure that the line reach the bottom on x-axis and then increase to about 11 watts. The line is more like a curve instead a straight compared to the same part on Figure 1.Power vs.Time in appendix D. The AEV then run at a speed of 50% power for 2 seconds. It can also be seen on the figure that there is a steep decent after as the speed change to 30% of power. The AEV runs at 30% power for 3 seconds and reverse and create a steepest increase in the figure. It shows that the AEV requires lots of power to change the motor’s direction, but only travel a short distance which can be hardly seem from the graph when brake. and then keeping running on 45% percent of power for around 3 seconds. Then the power drop to 0, but it keeps moving for a certain distance due to inertance.

Code Used

//1 Accelerate all motors from start to 45% in 3 seconds
// Run motor one at a constant speed (23% power) for 2.5 second.

//Accelerate all motors from start to 50% in 3 seconds.
// Run all motors at a constant speed (50% power) for 1 second
//Run all motors at 35% power for 2 seconds.
//Reverse all motors.
//Run all motors at a constant speed (45% power) for 2 second.


Lab 5: Design screening matrix

Figure 1 :Concept Scoring Matrix

Figure 2: Concept Screening Matrix


The concept screening matrix and concept scoring matrix can be found in Appendix E. The concept screening matrix is used as a first step to decide which design to choose and the concept scoring matrix is used to give a clear and close look to each design and prove whether the most suitable designs chosen from the concept scoring matrix are right.  For AEV project, safety and stability are the most concerning parts and they add up to 40% of the total score. Durability is also essential in AEV design because it is not only important for the safety under emergency and also relates to the maintenances fee needed to spend. As public transportation tool, and the group need to persuade the government to purchase the plan, the cost for the AEV and its efficient should also be taken into consideration, therefore, our team also put maintenance fee and minimum blockage into account.

The design E, which is the team design, gets the higher score in both concept screening matrix and concept scoring matrix. Which proves that the team design is worth for the team to work on. Design E has a good performance in its stability and no specific cons, which fits the team’s goal to create a more stable AEV and ensure the passenger’s safety.  Also, Evamaria’s design, design D also get a high score, and can be considered as a backup plan in the future. It is also important to have a group member to keep the time in mind to ensure the  progress of the team.