Performance Test 1

Performance Test 1:

Design #1 (chosen): Chosen after testing because it will be more capable of smoothly and safely picking up the caboose.

Design #2:

Bill of Materials for both designs:


  • How did the four designs the team came up in the Preliminary Research and Development evolve to the two prototype concepts used in Performance Test 1?
    • Both were similar designs to the final sketch from Preliminary R&D lab 3, the final sketch (Design E) was chosen for both tests of Performance Test 1. The difference between the sketches was the location of the arm, Arduino board and location of the battery pack. Design #1 was the chosen design, this is due to the location of the arm and battery pack. The arm allowed for a more accurate pick up of the caboose since it picked the caboose up from the from of the AEV. The battery pack was placed side ways to all for the battery to be moved side ways to help balance the weight out of the AEV. The team found that the more balanced the AEV was, the smoother it ran, the less energy it used and the less time the run took, this is due to the fact that if the AEV is more balanced on the track there is less friction between the arm and the track.