Track Comparison Lab:
Graph 1: First test of the AEV from Track Comparison (Power vs. Time)
Graph 2: Second test of the AEV from Track Comparison (Power vs. Time)
Current Findings:
The best track to run the AEV on based on the track comparison lab was track 2 and 4, this was based on the consistency of the data from both runs on that track, and it took the least amount of energy to run the code. Tracks 2 and 4 are essentially the same track duplicated.
Based on the graphs, it shows how much energy was used vs. the amount of time it took to run. These show that the data obtained was consistent through the trials and that the energy used for track 2 and 4 was consistently the lowest out of all the tracks.
This will make the AEV more marketable, because the division now knows which track will be most efficient. The AEV will be ran on this track (Track 2/4), to ensure that the least amount of energy will be used to run the AEV back and forth on the track. Since the AEV is using the lowest amount of energy possible, it will allow the AEV to run at a lower cost for both the consumer and the company.