Lesson Module 3

  • What is the most useful thing I learned in this module?
    • The most useful thing I learned in this module was how to stop procrastination. It was good to learn that I am not just off the bat a horrible student for participating in this design frequently. The module made this feat seem easy to do and understandable.
  • What is a specific example of something from this module I have already put into practice? How did it work out?
    • A specific example of something from this module I have already put into practice is attemtping to find the reason of why I procrastinate. This module allowed me to look further below the surface, and find a real plausible answer instead of the shallow and unhelpful reason I’d assume was true. (My lack of good student skills.) I found that a lot of times I procrastinate for studying for a huge test, it’s because I don’t feel comfortable with the information and I feel extremely anxious and overwhelmed. Other times, with this course, I procrastinate because I don’t feel overwhelmed by the work load and am confident that I can navigate it safely even if I put things off until the last minute.
  • What ideas from this module could I put into practice in the future? How?
    • The ideas from this module that I could put into practice in the future is continuing to understand why I might be procrastinating. I can be a detective to that cause, and then upon determining an answer, seek to eliminate that thing that is preventing me from being an effective student, rather than choosing to continue in my unproductive behavior and spin that into self-torment.
  • What advice would I give to students (or working professionals), based on what I’ve read or experienced during this module?
    • My advice to students and working professionals is to work with yourself, not against yourself. Beating yourself up over an approaching deadline is not helpful for your mental state, or the ability to accomplish anything. Instead, I’d encourage other students and working professionals to determine the cause of their procrastination (as described in slide 3 https://osu.instructure.com/courses/58758/pages/lesson-module-3?module_item_id=2828210) and seek to remove what is no longer beneficial. And if necessary, find some supporters that would be willing to keep some degree of accountability to you and your goals. This could mean something as simple as visiting a local starbucks and being in a room of busy productive professionals who you might feel a high level of accountability to by matching their standards.

Word Count- 200

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