Aku, Wuwu. “Coyote traces: Aku Wuwu’s poetic sojourn in America”. 2015.
1. | |
俄亥俄的花 | The Flowers in Ohio |
2. | |
我的朋友马克 | My Friend Mark |
3. | |
石头的文明 | Stone Culture |
4. | |
印第安“四姐妹” | “Four Sisters” |
5. | |
“死给鹿” | “Avenging Deer” |
6. | |
印第安蛇雕 | Serpent Mound |
7. | |
阿密苏人 | Amish |
8. | |
音乐的翅膀 | The Wings of Music |
9. | |
《红蘑菇》画家 | A Red Mushroom Painter |
10. | |
电话里的母语 | Mother Tongue Over the Phone |
11. | |
大学里的萨满 | Shaman at the University |
12. | |
俯瞰明尼苏达 | An Aerial View of Minnesota |
13. | |
明尼苏达的月夜 | Moonlight Over Minnesota |
14. | |
复活 | Revival |
15. | |
“四色符” | “Four Colors” |
16. | |
海龟托起的大地 | Land Upon Sea Turtle |
17. | |
轻盈的信仰 | Lissome Worship |
18. | |
被铁蹄追逐的神驹 | The Chased Colt |
19. | |
吉祥的乌鸦 | Propitious Crows |
20. | |
网不住的噩梦 | The Un-netted Nightmare |
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