Second Year Project

As part of the second-year experience in the IA Scholars program, all members are required to complete a second-year project. I decided to complete research on rape culture in different countries, specifically their points of origin and how they differ from rape culture in the US. I specifically focused on South Korea, South Africa, the Netherlands, and Nicaragua, as well as the United States.

This project is important to me for several reasons. Firstly, it helped me figure out my major and minor. It confirmed I had an interest in international topics as well as women’s rights. Thus, it guided me down the path toward an International Studies major and a WGSS minor. Secondly, my research and resulting thirty page paper was the result of a lot of “elbow grease”. It took hours of research, several late nights, and a lot of writing and rewriting. The project symbolizes what my work ethic can bring about. Lastly, when I presented it to the first-year IA scholars and showed it to my fellow second-years, I was able to raise awareness about the persistence of rape culture and how we as an international society can bring about change.

Below, I have attached my final research paper.

Scholars Paper-19pxg8l

2017-2018 Year In Review

During my sophomore year at OSU, I feel like I found my place on campus. I was a little lost and confused my freshman year, especially in terms of my major. Not only have I declared my major–World Business and Economy–but I also declared two minors—Business Administration and Women, Gender, and Sexualities Studies. Not only has this helped me figure out potential career paths and my passions, but it has also given me access to advisors, faculty connections, academic and professional opportunities, and an entire community, among others.

Also during my freshman year, I had difficulty finding the right social activities for myself. I really wanted something that could allow me to meet new people and ultimately great friends, but I am not a partier or an extravert, so whenever I tried different activities, I felt a little out of place. Moreover, I did not want it to interfere with my classes, and a lot of the clubs and extracurriculars did not give me that option. Thus, I was very lost.

However, I ended up going through formal recruitment and joined the sorority Alpha Omicron Pi. Not only do they place a lot of emphasis on our studies and refrain from pressuring girls to party or drink, but they also share a lot of my values. They’ve provided me a home that I did not previously have.

Overall, I feel like I have finally made OSU my home. I no longer feel as lost or confused.


Global Awareness:

I spent both of my spring breaks while at OSU taking part in the Scholars Study Abroad Program. During March 2017, I and a few other students studied in Mexico. In March 2018, a large group of students and I studied in Czechia.

Combined with my lack of experience with the Mexican culture and the current rhetoric about the people and the country, I knew fairly little about Mexico. My perception about different cultures and countries was also limited to that of an American perspective because I had not developed a broader, global perspective. However, after my trip, I had a better understanding of Mexico and I had a greater appreciation for the world’s diversity. I also no longer looked at the world simply as an American. I also consider the thoughts and feelings of those in Latin America, which serves to widen my global perspective.









The trip to Czechia and the class I took beforehand (Slavic 2345) increased my awareness about Czech culture. Through the program, I learned about aspects of Czechia’s culture including theater, food, artistic movements, economy, religion, and history.

Lastly, I also formed new friendships with girls in my class while in Prague. These girls are all so different and come from places all over the country. They have unique interests and are all contributing in different ways to OSU’s campus through their studies, extracurriculars, and/or careers. Thus, by meeting and getting to know new people, I became more aware about the diversity in my very own community.

Original Inquiry:

I have made some contributions to scholarly inquiry and research. I just finished an independent research project studying rape culture in different countries (Nicaragua, South Africa, India, the Netherlands, the United States, and South Korea). I investigated the causes, effects, solutions, role of feminism, and similarities and differences between each country’s rape culture. I also completed a similar research paper in the spring of 2017, in which I examined rape culture in the United States, specifically its origins.


Academic Enrichment:

I chose the courses I have taken because I felt they could help me grow and develop as a person. I have taken classes in Women’s Studies, Sociology, Film, Environmental Science, Greek Literature, Political Science, etc. in order to give me a greater understanding of how the world works and operates so I have a greater awareness of my community on a national and international scale. My International Studies major furthers this. I have also challenged myself to take courses with which I have no experience, such as Calculus I, Earth Science, Economics, Statistics, and Computer Science, which demonstrates I am willing to learn new information in unfamiliar subjects, a clear commitment to academic excellence.

Service Engagement:

I was a member of Partnering Up for Pets, which allowed me to spend a few hours a week volunteering at the Franklin County Dog Shelter. Volunteering at the shelter allowed me to make a huge impact on the safety and security of dogs in Columbus and to educate the public on the importance of removing animals from abusive homes. I enjoyed my work at the shelter, and going forward, I hope to be involved in similar activities during my time at OSU.


I am also a member of the sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi. One of the requirements of my membership is that I complete service hours every semester. As a result, I have partaken in different volunteer opportunities that I normally would not have. For example, I took part in OSU’s Spring Into Service by helping volunteers clean up and improve the wooded area by the industrial agriculture building.