The Ohio State University: College of Engineering

Lab 5


This is a Energy vs. Time graph for the AEV on the straight track


This is a Energy vs. Distance graph for the AEV on the straight track


Graph Explanation: 

For the first three seconds of the graph, all the motors are accelerating from 0% power to 25% power. Then, all the motors hold at 25% power for one second. After that, all the motors are set for 20% power for two seconds. Next, the rotation of both motors is reversed. Both motors are then set for 25% power for two seconds. Finally, all motors are stopped.


Data Analysis Tool Lab- CSS1

// reverses all motors



//accelerates all motors from 0 to 25 over 3 seconds



//sets all motors to 25% power



//runs previous line for 1 second



//sets all motors to 20% power



//runs the previous line for 2 seconds



//reverses all motors



//sets all motors at 25% power



//runs previous line for 2 seconds



//brakes all motors
