The Ohio State University: College of Engineering

Lab 3&4

Lab 3

Individual Group Member’s AEV Design Sketch


Design A: Brooklyn Pugh

Explanation: For my sketch, I focused on making my AEV smaller in size and more aerodynamic.  With this goal, it allowed me to minimize the material used, thus saving money on material.


Design B: Katie Gressley

Explanation: I focused on minimizing the amount of material I built with. This would make the AEV lighter so that it could travel faster as well as reduce costs.

Design C: Annelese Mascoe

Explanation: I mainly focused on keeping the design simple, light, and effective. There is enough space for all of the main components, like the Arduino and the Li-Po battery, but not much room for anything else.

Design D: Matt D’Andrea

Explanation: This AEV focused on using minimal part to keep the design light and be cost effective as well.

Design E: Group Q

Explanation: The goal was to try to make this AEV as aerodynamic as possible and large enough so the magnet has enough room to be operational. Some potential downsides are that its size makes the AEV not very portable and perhaps too heavy.


Lab 4:



 //run all motors at 25% for 1 sec


 motorSpeed(4,25); goFor(1);


 //run all motor for 20% for 2 sec


 motorSpeed(4,20); goFor(2);


 //reverse all motors




 //run all motor at 25% for 2 sec


 motorSpeed(4,25); goFor(2);


 //brake all motors

