The Ohio State University: College of Engineering

Group Q

Part Price ($)
Arduino 100000.00
Electric Motors (2) 19800.00
Count Sensor (2) 4000.00
Count Sensor Connector (2) 4000.00
Propellers (2) 900.00
T-Shape 2000.00
T-Shape Arm 3000.00
Wheels (2) 15000.00
Battery Supports 2000.00
Angle Brackets (3) 2520.00
Screw Driver 2000.00
¼” Wrench 2000.00
Motor Clamps (2) 1180.00
Bulk Screws and Nuts 2.88
TOTAL COST: $158,402.88
TOTAL WEIGHT: 241 grams


Team Q’s AEV was able to complete the Final Performance Test in around 46 seconds, which was under the class average, as shown in Figure 1 above. This not only proves that this AEV can complete its task quickly but safely as well, which was one of the main goals listed in Team Q’s Mission Concept Review.


Also shown in Figure 1, this AEV’s cost of materials is also under the class average. Table 1 above provides a more in-depth analysis of each piece and shows that the AEV weighs 141 grams. Since the amount of material used to construct this AEV is relative low, the time used for assembly and construction is kept to a minimum. The AEV’s low weight allows the AEV to use less energy to move and stop, lowering costs.


Safety is of the utmost importance when providing transportation. Team Q’s AEV did not get deducted any safety points during its second attempt at the Final Performance Test. One of the major attributes, that contributed to the safeness of the AEV is its design. Namely, the T-shaped arm allowed the AEV to maintain its balance on the tracks and keep a constant center of gravity.

Connection with Caboose

Connecting the caboose to the AEV with a magnetic hitch was a crucial part of testing. The AEV was also able to proceed to the loading zone at a reasonable speed to connect to the caboose without excessive recoil. It was then able to transport the caboose back to the starting dock. The AEV did not disconnect from the caboose during the elevation changes and when stopping at the gate and starting dock.