CPSL Showcase: Designing and Developing the PPE Donning and Doffing Module

In this Clinical and Professional Skills Lab (CPSL) showcase, we take a look at the design and development process of one of the first CPSL learning modules to be created, “Basic Information and Usage of PPE.” We hope that this showcase would give you an idea of what a CPSL learning module is all about, what the process is like, and how Teaching and Learning can help.

Image of Sean in PPE

Image: Sean in PPE

Planning and Designing the Learning Module

Since PPE is one of the first learning modules to be created for the CPSL, the practices and processes employed in the design and development of this module would serve as a model for future modules. To facilitate the process, Teaching and Learning first created a “blueprint” template, which provides instructions and prompts that guide one through the Backward Design process.

First, Teaching and Learning worked with key faculty and staff for the PPE learning module on the “big rocks”, or the big picture, of the module; the “big rocks” helped with the development of the module learning outcomes. Some prompts that facilitated this step included the following:

  • Why is the proper use of PPE an important skill for a day-one veterinarian?
  • What are common errors made by veterinarians using PPE?
  • How can those errors put the veterinarian at risk?
  • How can those errors put the patient at risk?

The subject matter experts’ (SME) answers to these questions were turned into measurable learning outcomes, which are used as the foundation for the corresponding module lessons.

Screenshot of the CPSL document

Image: Screenshot of the CPSL document

Using the “big rock” module learning outcomes a foundation, we were then able to complete the CPSL Blueprint Document (see image above). The template includes all elements needed for planning individual module lessons, including the following:

  • Lesson level learning outcomes (aligned with the module outcomes);
  • Strategies to gain learner attention;
  • Supports for novice learners;
  • Learning content;
  • Practice activities;
  • Assessment to check for mastery.

For each of the elements (or sections) listed above, the SMEs were asked to write out a script as if they were giving the lessons to students in classroom. Having specific language for the lessons written out facilitates Teaching and Learning’s task later on of transforming the scripts into eBook chapters, described in the next section.

Using the template, the PPE team was also able identify a variety of supporting learning materials needing to be created, that are well-aligned with the desired outcomes and essential for the module. Some materials created include the following:

  • Donning and doffing videos;
  • Rubrics for practice and assessments;
  • H5P learning widgets for self-checks and practice;
  • Donning and doffing posters;
  • High resolution Images of equipment, clinicians performing the skill, and so on.

Developing the Supporting Learning Materials

The development of the supporting materials demonstrated an effective collaboration process between all members of the team. Besides Teaching and Learning, the team includes faculty, staff, and students from many different areas of the CVM, including (but certainly not limited) to the following:

  • Drs. Stull, Bowman, O’Quin, and Feyes of Preventive Medicine, as well as Drs. Diaz-Compos and Guess of Clinical Sciences, who contributed to the authorship and editing of the module’s text;
  • Dr.’s Voss and Shull of Clinical Sciences, who lent their talents to demonstrate the use of PPE in a clinical setting;
  • Dr. Yardley of Clinical Sciences, who demonstrated PPE in a field setting.

The collaboration also occurred across different geographical locations; in fact, Dr. Stull, the key faculty member for the PPE module, collaborated with the rest of the team from his home in Canada!

Conferences between OTL staff, Dr. Stull, and the rest of the PPE team members were made more efficient by the use of technology, including Zoom, a digital conferencing tool; BuckeyeBox for file storage, sharing, and management; and Office 365 for document collaboration.

The Office of Teaching and Learning contributed expertise to the creation of of the supporting learning materials identified during the (blueprint) design process. In one particular piece, the PPE video script, all parties communicated and collaborated to ensure a high quality final product:

  • Teaching and Learning created the script template;
  • Dr. Stull wrote dialog and action descriptions,
  • Dr. Voss made edits in the script, created voice overs, and modeled PPE donning and doffing procedures;
  • Finally, the video was edited and closed captioned by Teaching and Learning.
Screenshot of PPE video being edited in Adobe Premiere

Image: PPE video being edited in Adobe Premiere

Developing and Putting the Lessons Together

Based on the contents provided by the subject matter experts, Teaching and Learning began putting together the learning modules, incorporating the various pieces of supporting materials that were created:

  • eBook: Building off of our previous experiences working on the Veterinary Histology eBook with a team led by Drs. Jennings and Premanandan, as well as the Antimicrobial Use Guidelines eBook with a team led by Drs. Wittum, Feyes, and Shelby, we again turned to the Pressbooks eBook authoring platform for development of the bulk of the CPSL learning modules. The format works just like webpages, and it allows us to really bring the content to life with images, files (ex. BuckeyeBox), videos (ex. Mediasite), and self-check activities (ex. H5P, Adobe Captivate, and Articulate Storyline).
  • VCPSL Carmen Hub: To supplement the eBook, we’re also in the process of constructing a VCPSL Hub (final name pending) in Carmen, which makes the following possible:
    • Students can access contents and activities in both their program courses as well as the hub without needing to leave Carmen. The current plan is for the hub to be accessible year-round, so students can initiate their own learning and/or remediation activities, which is reinforced by academic courses that take advantage of the lab integration during the regular school year.
    • Modules can be set up to track page views and mastery; in application, this allows students to complete items in the hub and constantly refer back to their own learning progress and mastery. This also allows opportunities to conditional release content; for example, a student is required to master an assessment before moving on to the next lesson.Screenshot of a module with completion requirements, where completed items are marked with a green checkmark
    • The hub provides a space to share administrative information; for example, announcements, scheduled lab activities, opening hours, sign-up forms, and so on.
    • Assessment activities can take place in the hub; for example, quizzes, assignments, and rubrics. This would not only serve as documentation of learning for students, but also an opportunity for instructors to more easily identify opportunities for early intervention and/or remediation across skills.

Wrapping Up

As the lab is nearing its grand opening, we hope to continue to share with you the work that we’ve been doing to help bring the project to reality, and hopefully give you some ideas for how you can contribute to the lab and its curriculum!

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