For the past two years, a group of respected educators from the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges member institutions has been working to develop a competency framework for veterinary medicine that aligns with approaches used by other health professions.
The Office of Teaching & Learning became aware of this work when it began and participated in an activity designed to provide feedback to the group working on this project, specifically examining a very early draft of the competencies during a session at the 2016 Veterinary Educators Collaborative.
The finalized framework will be introduced during a plenary session at the 2018 AAVMC annual meeting in March.
Council for Professional Education Chair Tod Drost and OTL Director Melinda Rhodes-DiSalvo will be present at the meeting and are excited to share what they learn with colleagues at CVM and consider how the framework might assist in advancing educational excellence. In essence the framework will respond to the questions “What does the public expect a graduate veterinarian to be able to do?” and “How do you actually assess students’ competencies in these areas?”
According to AAVMC: “The framework will be introduced as a ‘best practices’ model which all member institutions are welcome to adopt or consult as they modify existing curricula or develop new ones. While no action will be taken to adopt the program as an official standard for evaluating educational outcomes, the body of work represents the most substantial effort ever undertaken in this area of academic veterinary medicine and is expected to serve as a valuable tool to guide curricular development, refinement and outcomes assessment.”
The project was led by Associate Deans for Academic Affairs Dr. Jennie Hodgson of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine and Dr. Laura Molgaard of the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine.
AAVMC’s website has additional information about the process and working group.
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