
NASA Awards 80k to CSEL Students

Earlier this year, Ph.D. Students Abhinay Paladugu (’24) and Connor Kannally (’27) were awarded 80k for their proposal titled “Urban Air Mobility Contingency Diagnosis Toolkit.” A more detailed store can be found on the ISE department news feed.

With the help of Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate students Izzy Furl (’24) and Luke McSherry(’24), the team is building out information visualization requirements for future Advanced Air Mobility command and control coordinators. The visualizations will be tested in a Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) simulation to determine information design’s role in affecting future operators’ cognitive work.


Ph.D. Student Abhinay Paladugu Finalist for Best Student Paper Award

Abhinay Paladugu, a Ph.D. student and researcher in CSEL, presented on June 1st at the International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP) held in Rochester, NY. Abhinay’s paper, co-authored by Dr. Martijn IJtsma, Alicia Fernandez, Stuart Wilson, Thomas Davis, and Jarrod Lichty, is titled “Evaluating Envisioned Air Mobility Architectures using Computational Simulations of Work”. The work deals with how we can use more formative modeling techniques along with simulation to look at some of the emergent system properties. This will help us better evaluate the dynamics associated with the system.

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CSEL Members Featured in BuckISE Newsletter

CSEL faculty Dr. Martijn IJtsma, Dr.Shawn Pruchnicki, Dr. David Woods, and graduate student Renske Nijveldt were featured in the BuckISE Newsletter titled “ISE studying human factors challenges with complex flight deck automation systems.” The article describes a yearlong project to help the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) review existing research on reliance on complex automation and the associated design characteristics.

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Enabling Smart Mobility: CSEL and 99P Labs Collaboration to Develop Human-AI Partnerships


99P Labs, backed by both Honda and The Ohio State University, is collaborating with CSEL to design novel solutions for the optimal integration of technology and human users in a mobility context. The project will develop several alternative human-AI teaming capabilities for an envisioned mobility application. These alternatives will be evaluated in a driver-in-the-loop experiment to analyze what AI capabilities best support interaction and coordination with human users.

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Five CSEL Members Featured in BuckISE Newsletter

The Fall 2022 BuckISE newsletter featured five articles about the work conducted by current and former members of CSEL:

Journal of Space Safety Engineering Publications

Jacob Keller, a CSEL MS student, recently in-press to be published paper in the Journal of Space Safety Engineering titled “Examining autonomous flight safety systems from a cognitive systems engineering perspective: Challenges, themes, and outlying risks”. The paper is co-authored by CSEL faculty member, Dr. Martijn IJtsma and the executive director of the Battelle Center for Science, Engineering, and Public Safety, Dr. Elizabeth Newton. The student-led research highlighted in this paper was in part sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of Commercial Space Transportation (AST).

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HFES 2022 Presentation

Abhinay Paladugu, a PhD student and researcher in CSEL, presented on October 11th for the Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFES) International Annual Meeting held in Atlanta, GA. Abhinay’s paper, co-authored by Renske Nijveldt, Kenneth Cassidy and Dr. Martijn IJtsma, is titled is titled “Strategy Selection in Teams: Exploring How Teams Coordinate Responses to Time Pressure”.  It provides an overview on results from an experiment to evaluate effective individual and team coordination strategies in safety-critical operations.

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AIAA Aviation Forum 2022 Presentation

Renske Nijveldt, a MS student and researcher in CSEL, presented on June 28th for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Aviation Forum virtually. Renske’s paper, co-authored by Dr. Martijn IJtsma, is titled is titled “Cognitive Task Analysis of Contingency Management in Future Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM)”.  It provides an overview on the results of a Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) to explore challenges and identify needs for supporting coordination across various roles during contingency management in future UTM operations. 

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BW4T Experiment

The Cognitive Systems Engineering Lab (CSEL) is looking for participants for an experiment on coordination under time pressure, with the goal of better supporting coordination in high-stakes operations such as air traffic control and manned spaceflight operations.

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