Diary of Systemic Injustices Showcase, High cost of United states medical costs especially for minorities.

Jonah Park

Many social injustices already exist in our culture. One of the things I’ve encountered is the high cost of healthcare in the United States. Hospital costs and dental insurance are very costly in comparison to most nations. The high prices were largely attributed to the fact that hospitals in the United States spend a lot of money to go over regulations and regulatory problems, and prescription products. Everyone in the United States is affected by the high cost of healthcare. People normally purchase premiums to protect themselves from the high costs of surgery and other medical procedures. Many that are bad or do not have US citizenship, on the other hand, will quickly get into deep trouble in the United States.

The article listed below talks about the high costs of cancer surgeries.

Also, the graph talks about the increasingly expensive costs of Medicare.

Working-class families often cannot afford costly medical care because they will be expected to spend enormous sums for surgeries if they contract tumors or other carcinogenic diseases if they do. One person’s cancer surgery, for example, will cost up to $150,000. For working-class families, this expense is often exorbitant. It always forces them to declare bankruptcy.

Not just that, but even though they could afford it, people without US citizenship have a rough time having benefits. They spend a lot of money due to this because they have to have operations or perform surgical treatments. Since I do not have US citizenship, I do not have insurance, but this cannot be extended to my United States background. I hit my head in a gym a couple of years ago, and it started bleeding. I decided to head to the emergency room, and it was late at night. They just gave me a prescription for drugs, for which I had to spend thousands of dollars, which was much too many.

As a result, immigrants in the United States have a tough time obtaining health services.

Many who have difficulty accessing insurance, especially immigrants and the working class in the United States, have significant problems paying for the high medical costs. Health rules and legislation in the United States should be updated to allow those with financial hardships to pay hospitals and medications’ high prices. They at least allow them to afford benefits because the medical system in the United States is unequal.

Cancer treatment article,


Medicare graph


6 thoughts on “Diary of Systemic Injustices Showcase, High cost of United states medical costs especially for minorities.

  1. I really like how you brought up how healthcare costs disproportionately affect minorities as my post was similar in content except about education. What this mostly comes down to is the large wealth disparity between races in the U.S. that affects all aspects of life, including education and healthcare like we both stated. This disparity is caused by none other than systemic injustice from a system that was not originally meant for minorities, and we are still seeing the effects of it today.

  2. Before reading your article, I did not notice that there is still inequality in medical treatment. After reading this article, I also searched for relevant information. I found that this phenomenon is not only in the United States but also in various countries. Because of the difference between rich and poor and rights, the more powerful people have a better medical environment, and even when they need major transplant operations, they can get organs first. I know that this inequality is impossible to disappear, but how to minimize it is what society and the country need to care about.

  3. Hi, I think you chose a great topic. I also think about about the medical care system when talking about systemic injustice. I believe this should be identified as a systemic injustice since people do not have equal availability to medical care and medical resources. The high cost eliminates working-class families from access to the medial resources.

  4. This is really a great topic, the medical inequality is a widespread problem, the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider and wider, even the poor can’t afford to treat the disease. It’s not the nature of health care that favors one side or the other. Health care is expensive for everyone, but it’s the economic power that creates these inequalities.

  5. Great job on your DSI showcase! I wrote one of my diary of systemic injustice entries on the same topic of medical inequality in America which has been especially magnified in recent times because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Medical treatment is just one of many avenues that racial, socioeconmic, and other inequalites manifest themselves in the United States and around the world. As the Covid vaccine is rapidly rolled out nationwide, I think it will be very interesting to see and telling at how different groups who have historically faced medical inequality will receive the vaccine. I can only hope that there is equal access for all, but I must say that the vaccine will likely be another example of medical inequality in the US.

  6. Great job on the showcase. I think you did a great job explaining an issue that is frequently missed by other people. I haven’t thought that minorities were facing injustices in the health care system. I also think that wage discrimination against minorities also puts a burden on them, potentially leading to cut access for minorities to have access to quality healthcare.

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