MCM Blog 8

Along the given path, the traffic flow is considerably low due to the lack of cars that drive on campus. However, the traffic flow is significantly higher on High street because it is a main road that runs along campus. The traffic flow in this area is two way with the exception of Norwich Ave which is one way. One-way streets are common on and near campus and they help control the flow and speed of traffic. This is very helpful considering the amount of pedestrian traffic that occurs on campus, especially during class hours. Although many of the campus streets are one-way, it makes sense that Woodruff would not be because it acts as a main road that leads across the Olentangy to West Campus. Most drivers on campus appear to adhere to the speed limits. This is most likely because of the frequent stop lights and crosswalks that force them to make frequent stops and does not allow them to gain much speed in between these stops. On High Street however, the speed limit appears to be followed less, most likely because it is a main road that facilitates more traffic.


The sidewalks in the area are in relatively good condition. Most of the sidewalks are wide in order to facilitate a large amount of pedestrian traffic. They also have many crosswalk areas that allow for easy crossings. One possible issue with the sidewalks is the limited space between the edge of the sidewalk and the curb lane of the street. When there is a lot of traffic on high street and a lot of pedestrian traffic along the sidewalk, it can sometimes be nerve racking to watch people walk so close to the edge when there is high speed on coming traffic. This could potentially be solved with the widening of High street. If High street was wider, the traffic congestion during rush hours would also be eliminated, allowing for easier and safer transportation. The width of the streets on campus, however, are in good condition and widening them would potentially cause more traffic flow in the area to occur. This could then pose a problem by affecting the safety of the pedestrian traffic that occurs on campus.


Overall, I think the streets are safe for pedestrian use. There are frequent and well identified street crossing areas across the campus streets and High Street. The signal timing for cross walks is well timed in order to accommodate for both the vehicular and pedestrian traffic, even along High Street. I have never had to wait for an extended period of time when waiting for the sign to change and there are many pedestrian crosswalks on campus that give the pedestrian right of way. This is very useful on campus during class hours when there are large sums of people trying to cross the street in order to get to class on time and they don’t have to wait for traffic signals to change. Most of the areas are accessible for those with disabilities. All crosswalks have sufficient curb ramps and the CODA bus system is wheel chair accessible and the driver make it a very easy process.  The safety of the areas could possibly be further improved with the decrease in construction along High Street. With all of the construction, some crosswalks are hard to see to vehicles until they are at the cross walk. This poses a threat to pedestrians crossing the street, especially at night, when visibility is difficult to vehicles.

MCM Blog 7

  1. In 2005 Hurricane Katrina began as a tropical storm, but quickly escalated to between a category 3 and 5 on August 29, 2005. It began as a category 1 hurricane after landfall with Florida, however, once back over the ocean, the storm intensifies to a category 5 before breaking to a 3 before landfall in Louisiana. With winds speeds reaching 170 mph, the hurricane struck land in Louisiana. Initial damages were limited to minor flooding, however, the reason that Hurricane Katrina was so deadly was due to the levees breaking and allowing all of the flood waters in. It took the United States military over 3 days to finally get aid into New Orleans and the final damages of the storm were an estimated 1800 people dead, and an estimated $160 billion in damages.
  2. In the days and weeks following Hurricane Katrina, that effects of the storm were described to accumulate at least $9 billion in damage costs making it one of the costliest storms on record. The affected areas were flooded for weeks, displacing families and preventing many search and rescue efforts for those who were stuck in their homes and those who had died in the storm as a result of being trapped from the flooding. The flooding caused the drinking water to be unsafe without boiling and the areas that were hit were without power for weeks. This caused very unsafe living conditions for those who could not relocate at the time. Many hospitals in the area were left without operable emergency rooms which posed a big problem in providing medical attention to those who were injured as a result of the storm. The united states fatality toll of hurricane Katrina is recorded to be 1,836 people. The effects of the storm did not quickly decrease overtime, damage repairs lasted for years and many people who were displaced as a result of the storm were left homeless or in inadequate shelter for months and up to years after the hurricane hit.


Hurricane Katrina Slams Into Gulf Coast; Dozens Are Dead – August 30, 2005

Hurricane Katrina: The Aftermath – August 30, 2005

Hurricane Lashes New Orleans – August 29, 2005

Administrative breakdowns in the Governmental Response to Hurricane Katrina – September 2005

  1. The reason Hurricane Katrina was so deadly was because majority of New Orleans resides below sea level. The sea is held back by a series of levees but during the storm, these levees failed, causing sea water to rush into the city and cause great destruction. The levees breaking paired with the failure for many citizens to evacuate increased the death toll. Instead of leaving the city for safer ground as was suggested by the government, many sought refuge in the city itself without actually leaving. Part of the reason that many did not evacuate is due to the misrepresentation of the size of the storm. Because Katrina was only a category 1 when reaching landfall, it was expected to be an average storm, however, the storm intensified over the Gulf of Mexico, doubling its wind speed and destructiveness. Coupled with a below sea level elevation and many expensive buildings placed in the flood plain, Hurricane Katrina was one of the costliest disasters in modern history.
  2. To avoid another disaster like Katrina, Communities throughout the country need to set up roles within local departments and organization. With there being roles within the community, the recovery process for the disaster will be completed at a faster rate. Outside help will still be needed but the community will not only be limited by outside help. Knowledge and education about certain disasters should be taught in schools and community centers in areas prone to disaster. With knowledge, people are better adequate to face the storm, preparation and recovery will be much easier. Flood maps and other geographic information should be available in every household. Proper evacuation techniques and recovery techniques should also be taught at the schools and community centers. Money and government grants are also a great way to prevent another disaster like Katrina from happening. When disaster struck in New Orleans, the government didn’t do much, president bush received a lot of backlash from the black community because it seemed as though he was holding back resources. With prior government aid and funding, schools and other community centers will have the proper resources to adequately prepare for the disaster. Planning and infrastructure to prevent these disasters from happening cost money and the government is typically the most important asset when it comes to providing funding for disaster relief and prevention.
  3. Potential barriers to effectively adopting these strategies are the mindsets of people who think that disasters like hurricane Katrina will not happen to them, so they don’t need to be prepared for an event like that. A disaster like this can happen to anyone, so everyone should have proper knowledge on how to be prepared and how to react. Another potential barrier is lack of government funding for preparation efforts. The government may not see the necessity to prepare for an event like this but it harder for them to hold funding when it comes to response efforts after disasters happen. Therefore, the proper funds should be spent beforehand to educate the public and prepare in order to try and minimize the cost of response efforts after the fact.

Extra Credit Blog MCM

Casey Whalen, Mamadou Djigo, Matt Humes


The University District goals of the district plan are to provide land use recommendations, guidelines for design and inform capital improvement priorities. The current land use is described in the plan as residential and institutional uses making up 87 percent of the district area. The large portion of institutional use is due to Ohio State and the medical campus. After that, 6 percent of the land use is commercial and industrial. A majority of this is located along High street. Lastly, parks and open spaces make up the remaining 4 percent. The new land use recommendations mainly focus on keeping high intensity development close to Ohio State campus in order to keep low intensity development in areas further from campus. The guidelines that are laid out in the plan are intended to maintain and preserve the existing conditions of the districts. The goal is to keep commercial areas separate from the low intensity residential areas and maintain a development pattern that promotes walking, car, and transit. There is an emphasis for the university district to be a sustainable community and utilize green building practices in order to conserve the natural resources of the district.

I believe that the land use goals outlined in the district plan will promote a economically prosperous area. The land use goals organize a plan to increase the commercial value of High street and Lane avenue which are high traffic areas for the residents of the district and the university. The goals of the plan describe an effort to preserve the campus and residential areas in order to maintain friendly living areas throughout the district while keeping the high intensity and commercial developments contained to a specific area that already exists as a prosperous area for commercial uses. This will allow the district to conserve the existing conditions of the district which is an outlined goal of the plan.

The recent developments in the University District is consistent with the plan due to the various construction projects that are currently taking place. These projects are limited to the High street area and consist of road construction which with allow for more parking and easier traffic flow along High street. This will be a great addition to the area in regard to the other projects that are under way such as the construction of high rise and high intensity residential buildings and commercial spaces on High street. With the placement of these buildings on High street, the low intensity residential areas that are further away from campus are able to remain low traffic areas.

The land use plan does a good job of addressing the issues of the area. Currently, High street can be a dangerous area because of the high car and pedestrian traffic. The new road construction is focused on widening the roads in order to make the vehicular traffic flow better and allow for less traffic back up. However, with the current construction it is more difficult for pedestrians to navigate the area due to detours and cross walks that can create situations that make it difficult for cars to see people crossing the street.

I think one improvement that could be made to the University District Plan relates to the vehicular traffic on campus. It is very difficult for cars and busses on campus during certain times of the day where there is high pedestrian traffic such as when many classes start and let out at the same time. With all the students walking on campus, some cars and busses can sit at an intersection for extended periods of time waiting for kids to stop crossing the road. I believe it would be smart to address this issue and create a solution that will allow vehicles to have an easier time navigating the campus because this can cause the campus and COTA buses to become behind on their route schedule.


​When traveling down high street, the corner of Lane Avenue and High street is a staple spot. With Buffalo Wild Wings, Chipotle, CVS and Wendy’s, this region is a heavily trafficked area. For some of us that are older with the abilities to have a car on campus, these places can be hard to visit. Only CVS provides public parking for customers visiting CVS. Everyone else must pay the high prices of the nearest garage or park off campus and walk. This can be frustrating when carrying large amounts of food and at certain times of the night even dangerous. This problem could be lessened with just the addition of more street parking.

Current condition:

​MCM’s proposal is the addition of street parking on either side of the street. On the east side of High St. (off-campus) there is already a lane designated for the Amazon delivery truck in front of the Amazon store to stop. This lane is in public use to traffic when the truck is not there. However, if the lane was permanently sectioned off to be used for street parking people can park in front of the stores they want to go to instead of a distance away.​

The west side of High St. (campus) offers another option to increase parking. There is already a sizeable sidewalk on the campus side of high street, if the sidewalks width were to be reduced, another lane could be implemented for parking. By adding a lane instead of taking one away, this plan should not affect the flow of traffic, just ease the citizens’ day.

These two plans are both feasible and easily attainable, but the usage of the Amazon delivery lane is the cheapest and easiest to implement. The only money spent would be on the addition of meters, and one spot would be blocked off so the Amazon truck can continue to park in front of the Amazon store. The only problem with this plan is that High St. would lose a lane which could affect the flow of traffic in a negative way.