January Reflection

In class, we learned more about climate change and discussed different causes and ways it affects us. It was interesting to hear other people’s opinions on how we could potentially solve our problems. It was also fun debating people. Speaking of debating people, the debate we had the first week was incredibly fun to be a part of and get to argue the opposite side of my opinion. It is always fun to hear people debate and just listen to their points and make rebuttals in your head.

I learned a lot about myself over the break and coming back to campus. I have gotten better at looking at my tasks one at a time instead of looking at them as a huge thing conglomerate. I can section off my time and assignments into small fragments that allow me to effectively get work done while also maintaining my mental health and not overwhelming myself. I have also learned that being by yourself and not having people around is essential to growing as a person. It provides you time to think, decompress, and meditate on your future goals and dreams.

Currently, I am struggling to get a consistent schedule that satisfies all the things I am juggling in my life. I want to have the time to work on myself and study, while also having the time to enjoy quality time with the people I care about. I am also struggling to understand who thought Calculus and more importantly, the Squeeze Theorem was a good idea to invent and apply to life.

I think I have achieved a lot over winter break in my personal life. Things like reconnecting with a family member, growing closer with my girlfriend, and working harder to improve my work and study habits. I ended the fall semester with a good GPA and considering how much I struggled, it was worth it to get that GPA. I cannot complain about January too much, it was a great start to the year considering 2020, but luckily that is all behind us and a brighter light is leading the way ahead of us.

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