Prescribed Burn Health Risk Communication Decision Tool

Prescribed burn education should emphasize that there are health risks to smoke exposure, but these risks are minimal. Education materials should stress prevention of health effects and risk mitigation strategies prior to prescribed burns because burns are planned and scheduled. Please refer to the toolkit for an outline and examples of pre-season education.

Prescribed burn education should also include the basics of prescribed burns (e.g., definition) and the benefits of their use.

This decision tool is meant for situations where the AQI level is between Good and Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups. It is likely that when the AQI reaches higher levels (i.e., Unhealthy, Very Unhealthy, or Hazardous), the local EPA and local wildland fire organizations will notify the public. However, it is suggested that these agencies refer to local protection and health agencies to assist in health risk communications. Begin by clicking on the button below that best describes the distance of the prescribed burn from a community.