Cloverbud Activities at the Fair

Cloverbud members enjoy local county fairs and festivals just a much as our 4-H project members. Are you looking for some ideas to boost your Cloverbud activities?

Most fairs are open to 4-H Cloverbud members through a variety of exhibits. Children can exhibit work completed in their 4-H Cloverbud club and participate in noncompetitive activities.  All participation is noncompetitive and equal recognition is given to all participants. This does not mean that young children cannot be given advice or tips on how to improve their exhibit or work.

There are so many fun activities that can be geared toward our 5–8-year-olds. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Booth Exhibits
  • Show and Tell
  • Make & Take
  • Cloverbud Share Fair
  • Shoebox Floats
  • Cloverbud Revues
  • Stick Horse Exhibition
  • Veggie Car Event
  • Barn/Building Tours
  • Cloverbud Graduation
  • Puppet Shows
  • Reading Adventure Activities
  • Scavenger Hunts
  • Game Day
  • Speaking or Pledge Events
  • STEM Activities

This quick video provides a sampling of some 4-H Cloverbud events offered around Ohio:  We hope you find a new activity for your Cloverbud members!

Cloverbud CloverBOT Challenge – Get Your Team Registered

What is the Cloverbot Challenge?

The Ohio 4-H Cloverbot Challenge gives 4-H Cloverbuds the opportunity to work cooperatively in teams to problem-solve using STEM (science, engineering, technology and math) skills. A new theme is selected each year and teams  research a topic, build a working model of their solution to the Challenge issue and create a poster to illustrate their findings. Teams present their models and findings to a team of reviewers, learn about other Cloverbuds’ projects, participate in age-appropriate STEM activities and are recognized at a closing celebration.

This year’s theme is Wonderful Water! We use water everyday: to drink, cook, take a bath, wash dishes and laundry. Water also provides energy and transportation, aids in manufacturing and helps grow our food. Water is critical to our survival! Find the details here.

New this year…three locations. Find the Challenge closest to you!

  • June 23 at 6:30 p.m., Montgomery County Extension Office in Dayton
  • June 23 at 6:30 p.m., Washington County Junior Fair Building, Marietta
  • June 25 at 10:30 a.m., Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, Columbus
  • June 28 at 6:30 pm Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds

Cloverbud Volunteers can register teams by Friday, May 27, 2022 at:

Just Like the Big Kids – Using “My 4-H Cloverbud Year”

Cloverbud members want to be “just like the big kids” and have a 4-H book to complete.  Have you considered using My 4-H Cloverbud Year with your members?

This fun book is a great way for Cloverbuds to learn the basics of 4-H and keep track of their activities and events. Completion of this book is optional and can be done with or without the help of an adult leader. It can be repeated each year a child is a Cloverbud.  It is especially appropriate for older Cloverbud members as they prepare to transition to project membership.

The length of your Cloverbud meetings or activity time might determine how best to use this resource. Here are two options:

  1. If you have plenty of time (approximately an hour) for your Cloverbud meeting, then you could have the members complete the sections after each group activity. It will probably take at least 15 minutes to help the members complete the two pages titled “Today at 4-H Cloverbuds”. Younger members will need help answering the questions about what they did, their favorite part of the activity, what they learned and what they want to learn more about. There is also a box to draw or add a picture about the day’s activity.
  2. Here is a second option if you are limited on time with your Cloverbuds. Plan one or two of your meetings around completing the beginning of the book where they will learn about themselves, all about 4-H, their club, meeting manners, the American Flag and the 4-H Flag. After these sections are finished, the book could be sent home with your Cloverbud members. Ask parents to help their child complete the “Today at 4-H Cloverbuds” section after each meeting or club activity. This will help reinforce learning and recall of information as well as begin practicing the life skill of recordkeeping.

My 4-H Cloverbud Year is for Cloverbud members who can write about themselves and their experiences, with or without the support of an adult helper. If your Cloverbuds struggle with writing, you can help them by providing prepared answers to paste into their books. On the Today at 4-H Cloverbuds pages, for example, “What we did” could be answered with a short typed, or printed response: We practiced reduce, reuse, and recycle.

The end of the book provides a spot for community service activities, county fair activities, and a place to add memories like photos, ribbons, or clippings.

Copies of My Cloverbud Year can be purchased from your local OSU Extension or from

Ohio 4-H Cloverbot Challenge

The 2021 Cloverbot Challenge will help Cloverbuds imagine how could they live on a newly established colony on the planet Mars. They will explore what a colony might that look like, where to live and how they could move from place to place.

The 4-H Cloverbot Challenge is a statewide event designed just for our youngest 4-H’ers. Teams will work together to research a topic, build a model out of interlocking bricks and create a poster highlighting their experience. Teams will present and share virtually via Zoom either Monday, July 12 or Thursday, July 22.

Cloverbud teams will learn about the planet Mars and potential modes of transportation. Teams will also learn more about the challenge by answering these questions:

  • What are similarities and differences between Earth and Mars?
  • What might your colony look like on Mars?
  • What kinds of transportation do you use on Earth?
  • How would transportation you use on Mars be different or similar to what we use on Earth?
  • What jobs are associated with space travel?
  • How might you stay safe when using transportation on Mars?
  • How does the environment on Mars impact transportation?

Teams may have a minimum of two members, but no more than eight, and are coached by an adult team leader. Details and registration information can be found at

Questions? Contact Christy Millhouse at or Rhonda Williams at And a special thanks to the Ohio 4-H Foundation for their ongoing support of the Cloverbot Challenge.

Flyer: 2021 Cloverbot Challenge

Nature Color Match Lesson

This is a great activity that can be done anytime throughout the year and can be combined with a nature hike or other outdoor activities.


  • Paint color chips/swatches (available free at paint or hardware stores) or your can print a color wheel
  • Depending upon the season, but greens, yellows and browns are a great place to start
  • It is best to do this activity outside on a nature walk or even in a backyard


  1. Before going on a nature hike, talk about all the colors in nature to help children prepare for the activity.
  2. Give each child a paint swatch and talk about all the various shade of each color. For example, green. In nature there are lots of green items, but different shades.
  3. Give each child at least one paint swatch as you head out for a nature walk and ask them to find three natural items that match the colors on their swatch. (Caution them to not touch or pick any plants or flowers.
  4. After several minutes of exploring, gather the children together and ask them to share their discoveries.
  5. Then ask:
    • Was it hard to find the exact color matches?
    • Did you find more than one kind of thing that was exactly the same color?
    • Were you surprised by how many different shade of green, yellow and brown you found?



  • Look around your home and school – how many of nature’s colors can you find? Look at clothing, books, and even paint on the walls.


  • Tell me, Tree by Gail Gibbons
  • Over in the Meadow by Olive A. Wadsworth
  • Nature’s Hidden World  by Ingrid Selberg
  • The Listening Walk by Paul Showers

This printable activity and others can be found at:

Source: This Big Book of 4-H Cloverbud Activities at Home works well with Chapter 19 in The Big Book of 4-H Cloverbud Activities available through OSU Extension offices or online at Ohio residents get the best price when they order and pick up their purchases through local Extension offices.