Camp Season is Just Around the Corner!

Are you looking for ways to increase participation in your county’s 4-H Cloverbud program? Consider holding a multi-day Cloverbud Day Camp with a wide range of activities designed to engage and excite your Cloverbuds.

Each year, Union County, Ohio hosts a two-day Cloverbud Day Camp. Due to the large number of Cloverbuds in the county, registration is limited to 75 Cloverbuds. Camp is held at the Union County Extension office.

The camp theme in 2023 was “In My Back Yard”. Campers were divided into groups with teen counselors providing leadership. Adult extension staff and 4-H volunteers taught the educational sessions.

Camper groups were named after Ohio birds—Blue Jay, Robin, Goldfinch and Cardinal. Each morning started with songs. Then the groups rotated through four educational lessons. Each lesson focused on animals. Cloverbuds learned about the different birds in Ohio and painted birdhouses. They went on an outside adventure to look for and learn about different animal tracks. Another session was about animal habitats and Cloverbuds created a terrarium in a baby food jar. The final session was a nature game show. They ate lunch outside and had rest time after lunch. The day ended with a big pool noodle game carnival where Cloverbuds used tokens to play each game.

Day two was an exciting day for the Cloverbuds. Camp organizers chartered two Ohio State University buses and took the Cloverbuds to

4-H Camp Clifton. When they arrived at Camp Clifton, they participated in a nature scavenger hunt. After the scavenger hunt, they ate lunch at the campfire circle. The adult staff made smores for each Cloverbud to enjoy. Cabins were used for rest time and changing into swimsuits. Cloverbuds swam in the pool all afternoon. They returned to the Extension office at 3p.m. and then departed for home.

Cloverbud Day Camp was a huge success, thanks to the teens and adult volunteers. Camp continues to grow each year. So, if you are looking for a way to expand your Cloverbud program, consider adding a Cloverbud Day Camp. Whether you host a one-day camp, a two-day camp, or even longer camp, it is a great way to create excitement for your county’s Cloverbud program.