Reading Adventure: The Sun is Kind of a Big Deal

The Sun is Kind of a Big Deal by Nick Seluk is a new Cloverbud Reading Adventure that you can use with your Cloverbuds to help them understand the solar system and the importance of the sun. This adventure can be used anytime but is great paired with education about the upcoming solar eclipse.

This lesson teaches Cloverbuds about the solar system and the planets and other items it includes. You will explore why the sun is a big deal through a variety of hands-on activities designed to reinforce key science concepts. It will help your Cloverbuds to understand that the sun sits in the center of our solar system and holds it together. Without the sun, life on planet Earth would not exist.

The book does a great job of explaining why we have four seasons, the sun’s role in the water cycle, and how plants need the sun for photosynthesis. Plus, it gives us light and keeps us warm!

Check out this new Reading Adventure and discover why The Sun is Kind of a Big Deal!