Title: Controlling for Number of Predictors from Large Language Models to Predict Human Neural and Behavioral Data
There has been considerable interest in predicting reading times and brain imaging data using predictors from large language models (LLMs), with some conjecturing a positive ‘quality-power’ effect of (inverse) language model (LM) perplexity on psychometric predictors, which favors larger models. Recent experiments using these models’ negative log word probability as a predictor have cast doubt on this effect (Oh et al., 2022; Oh and Schuler, 2023), instead finding an inverse relationship that favors smaller models, but other experiments predicting psychometric data directly from LM vectors (Schrimpf et al., 2021) have shown improved fit to reading times as model perplexity decreases, favoring larger models again. However, these studies using model vectors introduce a potential confound in that they also simultaneously vary the number of predictors, which increases the number of degrees of freedom of the model. The experiments described in this talk therefore evaluate the number of predictors as a possible confound to the quality-power effect. Work presented in this talk is ongoing.