

  1. Lan, Y., Gordia, D., Chandrasekaran. A., 2021. Ancillary Cost Implications of Physicians Multisiting and Inter-Organizational Collaboration during healthcare delivery. Forthcoming at Production and Operations Management
  2.  Basole, R., E. Bendoly, A. Chandrasekaran, K. Linderman 2022. Visualization in Operations Management Research. Forthcoming at INFORMS Journal of Data Science
  3. Lan Y., A. Chandrasekaran, Gordia, D., D. Walker. 2021. Collaboration Structures in Integrated Healthcare Delivery Systems: An Exploratory Study of Accountable Care Organizations. Forthcoming at Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM)
  4. Lampman, M., A. Chandrasekaran, Shah, N., Brenda M., Giblon R., M. Tumerman, B. Staats., P. Ward, D. Rushlow. 2021. Optimizing huddle engagement through leadership and problem solving within primary care: results from a cluster-randomized trial. Forthcoming at Journal of General Internal Medicine
  5. Anand, G., A. Chandrasekaran, L. Sharma. 2020. Sustainable Process Improvements: Evidence from Intervention-Based Research. Forthcoming at Journal of Operations Management
  6. Lan, Y., B. Massimino, J. Gray, A. Chandrasekaran. 2020. The Effects of Product Development Network Position on Product Performance and Confidentiality Performance. Forthcoming at Journal of Operations Management 
  7.   Chandrasekaran, A., De Treville, S., Browning T., 2020. Intervention Based Research – What, Where and How to Use in Operations Management. Journal of Operations Management, 66(4) 370-378.
  8. Madiedo, J.P., Chandrasekaran, A. and Salvador, F., 2020. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and Organizational Task ExperienceProduction and Operations Management29(4), pp.973-994.
  9. Sharma, L., Chandrasekaran, A. and Bendoly, E., 2020. Does the Office of Patient Experience Matter in Improving Delivery of Care? Production and Operations Management29(4), pp.833-855.
  10. Choo, A.S., Chandrasekaran, A. and Chinaprayoon, C., 2020. The Role of Domestic and Foreign Knowledge Inflows on the Relationship between R&D Portfolio Mix and Innovation Outcomes: An Empirical Study of Manufacturing Firms in an Emerging Economy. Decision Sciences51(2), pp.349-394.
  11. Kale, S., Chandrasekaran, A., Kullgren, J., Moline, T., Hritz, C., Russell, D. and Mortazavi, A., 2020. Impact of Team-Based Care Models: A Lean Six Sigma Strategy to Improve Palliative Team Effectiveness and Reduce 30-Day Readmissions. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management59(2), pp.510-511.
  12. Chandrasekaran. A., Toussaint. J., 2019. Creating a culture of continuous improvement. Harvard Business Review 
  13. Chandrasekaran, A., Linderman, K., Sting, F., 2018. Avoiding epistemological silos and empirical elephants in OM: How to combine empirical and simulation methods? Journal of Operations Management 63 1-5.
  14. Branda, M., Chandrasekaran, A., Tumerman, M., Shah, N., Ward, P., Staats, B., Olson, D., Lampan, M., Rushlow, D., Optimizing huddle engagement through leadership and problem solving within primary care: A study protocol for a cluster randomized trial.  Trials 19(1): 536 
  15. Anderson, E., Chandrasekaran, A., Davis-Blake, A. Parker, G. 2018. Managing Distributed Product Development Projects: Integration Strategies for Language and Time-Zone Barriers. Information Systems Research 29 (1) 42-69.
  16.  Briggs, K., Sharma, L. Chandrasekaran, A., Finefrock D., 2018. The effect of a hybrid training program: Improving nursing communication skills and HCAHPS scores through a Field Experiment. Journal of Nursing Management 49(2), 51-53
  17. Van Aken, J., Chandrasekaran, A., Halman, J. 2017. Conducting and Publishing Design Science Research: Inaugural essay of the design science department. Journal of Operations Management. 47-48, 1-8
  18. Chandrasekaran, A., Anand, G., Sharma, L., Pesavento, T., Hauenstein, M., Moffatt-Bruce, S., 2016. The Role of In-Hospital Care Quality in Reducing Anxiety and Readmissions of Kidney Transplant Recipients. Journal of Surgical Research 205(1) 252-259. (Featured Article for the Issue)
  19. Senot, C., Chandrasekaran, A., Ward, P., 2016. Collaboration between service professionals during the delivery of care: Evidence from multiple case studies. Journal of Operations Management 42-43 62-79.
  20.  Sharma, L., Chandrasekaran, A., Boyer, K., McDermott, C., 2016. The Impact of Health Information Technology Bundles on Performance: An Econometric Study. Journal of Operations Management 41(2016) 25-41. (Winner of 2014 Academy of Management Best Student Paper Award) 
  21.  Chandrasekaran, A., Linderman, K., Sting, F., Benner, M. 2016, Managing R&D Project Shifts in High-Tech Organizations: Multi-Method Study. Production and Operations Management 25 (3): 390-416
  22.  Senot, C., Chandrasekaran, A., Ward, P. 2016. Role of Bottom-up Decision Processes in Improving the Delivery of Care. Production and Operations Management 25 (3): 458-476.
  23.  Senot, C., Chandrasekaran, A., Ward, P., Tucker, A., Moffat-Bruce, S 2016. The Impact of Combining Conformance Quality and Experiential Quality on Readmissions and Cost Performance. Management Science 62 (3): 829-848
  24. Senot, C., Chandrasekaran. A. 2015. What has the highest impact on Readmissions Rates? Harvard Business Review (A joint collaboration between HBR-NEJM)
  25. Mishra, A., Chandrasekaran A., MacCormack, A., 2015. Collaboration in Multi-Partner R&D Projects: The Impact of Partnering Scale and Scope. Journal of Operations Management 33-34 (1-14) (Lead article)
  26.  Chandrasekaran, A., Linderman, K., Schroeder, R.G.2015. The Role of Project and Organizational Context in Managing High-Tech R&D Projects. Production and Operations Management 24(4) 560-586.
  27.  Chandrasekaran, A., Linderman, K., 2015. Managing Knowledge Creation in High-Tech R&D Projects: A Multi-method Study. Decision Sciences 46(2), 267-300.
  28.  Salvador, F., Chandrasekaran, A., Sohail, T., 2014. Product Configuration, Ambidexterity and Firm Performance in the context of Industrial Equipment Manufacturing. Journal of Operations Management, 32(4) 138-153.  (Lead article)
  29.  Chandrasekaran, A., Senot, C., Boyer, K. 2012. Process Management Impact on Clinical and Experiential Quality: Managing Tensions between Safe and Patient-Centered Healthcare. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 14(4) 548-566 (Winner of INFORMS-ISA Best Paper Award for the best industry studies publications among 848 articles published in all INFORMS journals during the year 2012.)
  30.  Chandrasekaran, A. Mishra, A. 2012. Task Design, Team Context and Psychological Safety: An Empirical Analysis of R&D Projects in High Technology Organizations. Production and Operations Management, 21(6), 977-996 (Lead article)
  31. Chandrasekaran, A., Linderman, K., and Schroeder, R.G. 2012. Antecedents to Ambidexterity Competency in High Technology Organizations. Journal of Operations Management, 30(1-2) 134-151.
  32. Linderman, K., Chandrasekaran, A., 2010. The Scholarly Exchange of Knowledge in Operations Management. Journal of Operations Management, 28(4), 357-366.
  33. Shah, R., Chandrasekaran, A., Linderman, K., 2008. In pursuit of implementation patterns: The context of lean and Six Sigma. International Journal of Production Research, 46 (23), 6679-6699.
  34. Gadkari, M., Chandrasekaran, A. The Emergency Department (ED) at the Burton Group of Hospitals – Application of Lean and Value Stream Mapping, Operations Management Education Review 6 59-78.