Please see Google Scholar for a full list of publications.
1. Journal Papers (selected)
Ertle, J.M. and C. Kubota. 2023. Reduced daily light integral at the end of production can delay tipburn incidence with a yield penalty in indoor lettuce production. HortScience. 58:1217-1224.
Ertle, J.M. and C. Kubota. 2023. Testing cultivar-specific tipburn sensitivity of lettuce for indoor vertical farms. HortScience. 58:1257-1266.
Miller, C.T., M. Drewery, T.M. Waliczek, R.N. Contreras, and C. Kubota. 2023. Engaging undergraduate students in research. HortTechnology. 33:1-6.
Gillespie, D.P., G. Papio, and C. Kubota. 2021. High nutrient concentrations of hydroponic solution can improve growth and nutrient uptake of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) grown in acidic nutrient solution. HortScience. 56:687-694.
Gillespie, D.P., C. Kubota, and S. Miller. 2020. Effects of low pH of hydroponic nutrient solution on plant growth, nutrient uptake, and root rot disease incidence of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). HortScience. 55:1251-1258.
Kubota, C.*, T. Eguchi*, and M. Kroggel. 2017. UV-B radiation dose requirement for suppressing intumescence injury on tomato plants. Scientia Horticulturae 226:366-371. [*equally contributing to the work]
A.J. Both, B. Bugbee, C. Kubota, R.G. Lopez, C. Mitchell, E.S. Runkle, and C. Wallace. 2017. Proposed product label for electric lamps used in the plant sciences. HortTechnology 27:544-549.
Kubota, C., C. Meng, Y.J. Son, M. Lewis, H. Spalholz, and R. Tronstad. 2017. Horticultural, systems-engineering and economic evaluations of short-term plant storage techniques as a labor management tool for vegetable grafting nurseries. PLOS ONE
Spalholz, H. and C. Kubota. 2017. Rootstock affected in- and post storage performance of grafted watermelon seedlings at low temperature. HortTechnology 27:93-98
Hernández, R., T. Eguchi, M. Deveci, and C. Kubota. 2016. Tomato seedling physiological responses under different percentages of blue and red photon flux ratios using LEDs and cool white fluorescent lamps. Scientia Horticulturae 213:270-280
Eguchi, T., R. Hernández, and C. Kubota. 2016. Far-red and blue light synergistically mitigate intumescence injury of tomato plants grown under UV-deficit light environment. HortScience. 51:712-719.
Hernández, R. and C. Kubota. 2016. Physiological responses of cucumber seedlings under different blue and red photon flux ratios using LEDs. Environ. Exp. Bot. 121:66-74.
Eguchi, T. and C. Kubota. 2015. Cotyledonary axillary shoot control by fatty alcohol application for grafting tomato. HortTechnology. 25:569-574
Hernández, R. and C. Kubota. 2015. Physiological, morphological, and energy-use efficiency comparisons of LED and HPS supplemental lighting for cucumber transplant production. HortScience. 50:351-357.
Hernández, R. and C. Kubota. 2014. Growth and morphological response of cucumber seedlings to supplemental red and blue photon flux ratios under varied solar daily light integrals. Scientia Horticulturae 173:92-99
Lewis, M*., C. Kubota*, R. Tronstad, and Y.-J. Son. 2014. Scenario-based cost analysis for vegetable grafting nurseries of different technology and size. HortScience 49:917-930. [*equally contributing to the work]
Meng, C., D. Xu, Y.-J. Son, C. Kubota, M. Lewis, and R.E. Tronstad. 2014. An integrated simulation and AHP approach to vegetable grafting operation design. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 102:73-84.
Kubota, C., M. Kroggel, M. Torabi, K.A. Dietrich, H.-J. Kim, and C.A. Thomson. 2012. Changes in selected quality attributes of greenhouse tomato fruit as affected by pre- and postharvest environmental conditions in year-round production. HortScience 47:1698–1704.
Matsuda, R., C. Kubota, M.L. Alvarez, and G. Cardineau. 2012. Effect of high electrical conductivity of hydroponic nutrient solution on vaccine protein content in transgenic tomato. HortTechnology. 22:362-367.
Yang, Z.-C.*, C. Kubota*, P.-L. Chia, and M. Kacira. 2012. Effect of end-of-day far-red light from a movable LED fixture on squash rootstock hypocotyl elongation. Scientia Horticulturae 136:81-86. [*equally contributing to the work]
Villarreal-Guerrero, F., M. Kacira, E. Fitz-Rodríguez, C. Kubota, G.A. Giacomelli, R. Linker and A. Arbel. 2012. Comparison of three evapotranspiration models for a greenhouse cooling strategy with natural ventilation and variable high pressure fogging. Scientia Horticulturae. 134:210-221.
Villarreal-Guerrero, F., M. Kacira, E. Fitz-Rodriguez, R. Linker, C. Kubota, G. Giacomelli, A. Arbel. 2012. Simulated performance of a greenhouse cooling control strategy with natural ventilation and fog cooling. Biosystems Engineering. 111:217-228.
Crane, T.C., C. Kubota, J.L. West, M.A. Kroggel, B.C. Wertheim, and C.A. Thomson. 2011. Increasing the vegetable intake dose is associated with a rise in plasma carotenoids without modifying oxidative stress or inflammation in overweight or obese postmenopausal women. J. Nutrition.141:1827-1833.
Sabeh, N., G. Giacomelli, and C. Kubota. 2011. Water use in a greenhouse in a semi-arid climate. Transactions of the ASABE. 54:1069-1077.
Matsuda, R. and C. Kubota. 2010. Variation of total soluble-protein content in fruit among six greenhouse tomato cultivars. HortScience 45:1645–1648.
Chia, P.-L. and C. Kubota. 2010. End-of-day far-red light quality and dose requirements for tomato rootstock hypocotyl elongation. HortScience 45:1501-1506.
Justus, I. and C. Kubota. 2010. Effects of low temperature storage on growth and transplant quality of non-grafted and grafted cantaloupe-type muskmelon seedlings. Scientia Hort. 125:47-54.
Matsuda, R., C. Kubota, M. L. Alvarez and G. A. Cardineau. 2010. Determining the optimal timing of fruit harvest in transgenic tomato expressing F1-V, a candidate subunit vaccine against plague. HortScience. 45:347–351.
Story, D. M. Kacira, C. Kubota, A. Akoglu and L. An. 2010. Lettuce calcium deficiency detection with machine vision computed plant features in controlled environments. Computer and Electronics in Agric. 74:238-243.
Fitz-Rodríguez, E., C. Kubota, G.A. Giacomelli, M.E. Tignor, S.B. Wilson, M. McMahon. 2010. Dynamic modeling and simulation of greenhouse environments under several scenarios: A web-based application. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 70:105-116.
Rhoades, E.B., T. Irani, M. Tingor, S.B. Wilson, C. Kubota, G. Giacomelli and M.J. McMahon. 2009. A case study of horticulture education in a virtual world: A web-based multimedia approach. NACTA Journal. 53:42-48.
Matsuda, R., C. Kubota, M. L. Alvarez and G. A. Cardineau. 2009. Biopharmaceutical protein production under controlled environments: growth, development and vaccine productivity of transgenic tomato plants grown hydroponically in a greenhouse. HortScience. 44:1594-1599.
Li, Q. and C. Kubota. 2009. Effects of supplemental light quality on growth and phytochemicals of baby leaf lettuce. Environ. Experiment. Botany. 67:59-64.
Takakura, T., C. Kubota, S. Sase, M. Ishii, K. Takayama, H. Nishina, K. Kurata, and G.A. Giacomelli. 2009. Measurement of evapotranspiration rate in a single-span greenhouse using the energy-balance equation. Biosystems Engineering. 102:298-304.
Thomson C.A., N.R. Stendell-Hollis, J.L. West, E.C. Cussler, L.M. McCune, M. Kroggel, H.J. Kim, and C. Kubota. 2008. High-lycopene consumption increases serum carotenoid levels but does not have decrease levels of oxidative stress and inflammation in healthy adults. The Open Bioactive Compounds Journal. 1:7-12.
Buck, J.S., C. Kubota, and M. Jensen. 2008. Effect of mid-day reduction of high electrical conductivity treatment on the yield and quality of greenhouse cherry tomato. HortTechnology 18:460-466.
Wu, M., and C. Kubota. 2008. Effects of high electrical conductivity of nutrient solution and its application timing on lycopene, chlorophyll and sugar concentrations of hydroponic tomatoes during ripening. Scientia Hort. 116:122–129.
Wu, M., and C. Kubota. 2008. Effects of electrical conductivity of hydroponic nutrient solution on leaf gas exchange of five greenhouse tomato cultivars. HortTechnology 18:271-277.
Kim, H.J., J.M. Fonseca, C. Kubota, M. Kroggel, and J.H. Choi. 2008. Quality of fresh-cut tomatoes as affected by salt content in irrigation water and post-processing ultraviolet-C treatment. J. Sci. Food Agric. 88:1969-1974.
Kim, H.J., J.M. Fonseca, J.H. Choi, C. Kubota, and D.Y. Kwon. 2008. Salt in irrigation water affects the nutritional and visual properties of romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). J. Agric. Food Chem. 56:3772–3776.
Kim, H-J., J.M. Fonseca, J-H. Choi, and C. Kubota. 2007. Effect of hydrogen peroxide on quality of fresh-cut tomato. J. Food Sci. 72:463-467.
Kim, H.J., J.M. Fonseca, J.H. Choi, and C. Kubota. 2007. Effect of methyl jasmonate on phenolic compounds and carotenoids of romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). J. Agric. Food Chem. 55:10366-10372.
Kubota, C. and M. Kroggel. 2006. Air temperature and illumination during transportation affect quality of mature tomato seedlings. HortScience 41:1640-1644.
Javanmardi, J. and C. Kubota. 2006. Variation of lycopene, antioxidant activity, total soluble solids and weight loss of tomato during postharvest storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 41:151-155.
Islam, S.A.F.M., C. Kubota, M. Takagaki and T. Kozai. 2006. Effects of ages of plug transplants and planting depths on the growth and yield of sweetpotato. Scientia Horticulturae. 108:121-126.
Yokoi, S., T. Kozai, T. Hasegawa, C. Chun, and C. Kubota. 2005. CO2 and water utilization efficiencies of a closed transplant production system as affected by leaf area index of tomato seedling populations and the number of air exchanges. J. SHITA 17:182-191.
Kitaya, Y., Y. Ohmura, C. Kubota, and T. Kozai. 2005. Manipulation of the culture environment on in vitro air movement and its impact on plantlets photosynthesis. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 83:251-257.
Ohyama, K., K. Manabe, Y. Omura, T. Kozai and C. Kubota. 2005. Potential use of a 24-hour photoperiod (continuous light) with alternating air temperature for production of tomato plug transplants in a closed system. HortScience 40:374-377.
Fujiwara, M., C. Kubota, T. Kozai, and K. Sakami. 2004. Air temperature effect on leaf development in vegetative propagation of sweetpotato single node cutting under artificial lighting. Scientia Horticulturae 99:249-256.
Toida, H. Y. Omura, C. Kubota, and T. Kozai. 2003. Growth and development of tomato seedlings under constant light-dark period with random light periods. J. Environ. Control in Biology 41:369-375.
Yokoi, S., T. Kozai, K. Ohyama, T. Hasegawa, C. Chun and C. Kubota. 2003. Effects of leaf area index of tomato seedling populations on energy utilization efficiencies in a closed transplant production system. J. of Soc. High Technology in Agriculture. 15:231-238.
Fujiwara, M., C. Kubota, T. Kozai, M. Takagaki and K. Sakami. 2003. Number of sweetpotato propagules produced, electric energy consumption and storage root yield after transplanting in the field as affected by planting density in the closed type transplant production system. Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture 47:286-297.
Fujiwara, M., C. Kubota, T. Kozai, and K. Sakami. 2003. Air temperature effect on leaf development in vegetative propagation of sweetpotato single node cutting under artificial lighting. Scientia Horticulturae 99:249-256.
Ohyama, K., K. Manabe, Y. Omura, C. Kubota, and T. Kozai. 2003. A comparison between closed-type and open-type transplant production systems with respect to quality of tomato plug transplants and resource consumption during summer. J. Environ. Control in Biology 41:57-61.
Sha Valli Khan, P.S., T. Kozai, Q.T. Nguyen, C. Kubota and V. Dhawan. 2003. Growth and water relations of Paulownia fortunei under photomixotrophic and photoautotrophic conditions. Biologia Plantarum 46:161-166.
Sha Valli Khan, P.S., T. Kozai, Q.T. Nguyen, C. Kubota and V. Dhawan. 2002. Growth and net photosynthetic rates of Eucalyptus tereticornis Smith under photomixotrophic and various photoautotrophic micropropagation conditions. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 71:141-146.
Kubota, C., M. Ezawa, T. Kozai, and S.B. Wilson. 2002. In situ estimation of carbon balance of in vitro sweetpotato and tomato plantlets cultured with varying initial sucrose concentrations in the medium. J. Americ. Soc. Hort. Sci. 127: 963-970.
Kubota, C. and S. Seiyama. 2002. Manipulation of photoperiod and light intensity for low-temperature storage of eggplant seedlings. Scientia Hort. 94:13-20
Chintakovid, W., C. Kubota, W.M. Bostick, and T. Kozai. 2002. Effect of air current speed on evapotranspiration rate of transplant canopy under artificial light. J. of Society of High Technology in Agriculture. 14(1):25-31.
Islam, A.F.M.S., C. Kubota, M. Takagaki, and T. Kozai. 2002. Sweetpotato growth and yield from plug transplants of different volumes, planted intact or without roots. Crop Sci. 42:822-826.
Lok, Y.H., K. Ohyama, C. Kubota and T.Kozai. 2002. Sweetpotato propagule production rate and electric energy consumption in a closed transplant production system as affected by planting density. Journal of Society of High Technology in Agriculture, 14(1): 10-17.
Lok, Y.H., K. Ohyama, C. Kubota, W. Chintakovid, and T. Kozai. 2002. Sweetpotato propagule production rate and electric energy consumption in a closed transplant production system as affected by propagation method. Environmental Control in Biology 40(3):311-316.
Abdell-Ghany, A.M., T. Kozai, C. Kubota and I.S. Taha. 2001. Investigation of the Spectral Optical Properties of the Liquid Radiation Filters for Using in the Greenhouse Applications. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 57(1), 11-19.
Wilson, S.B., J. Heo, C. Kubota, and T. Kozai. 2001. A forced ventilation micropropagation system for photoautotrophic production of sweetpotato plug plantlets in a scale-up culture vessel: II. Carbohydrate status. HortTechnology. 11:95-99.
Kubota, C. and T. Kozai. 2001. Mathematical models for planning vegetative propagation under controlled environments. HortScience 36:15-19.
Kubota, C., N. Kakizaki, T. Kozai, K. Kasahara, and J. Nemoto. 2001. Growth and net photosynthetic rate of tomato plantlets during photoautotrophic and photomixotrophic micropropagation. HortScience 36:49-52.
Zobayed, S.M.A., F. Afreen-Zobayed, C. Kubota, and T. Kozai. 2000. Water control and survival of Ipomoea batatas grown photoautotrophically under natural ventilation. Annals of Botany. 86:603-610
Zobayed, S.M.A., F. Afreen-Zobayed, C. Kubota, and T. Kozai. 2000. Mass propagation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in a scaled-up vessel under in vitro photoautotrophic condition. Annals of Botany. 85:587-592.
Afreen-Zobayed, F., Zobayed, S.M.A., C. Kubota, T. Kozai, and O. Hasagawa. 2000. A combination of vermiculite and paper pulp supporting material for photoautotrophic micropropagation of sweet potato. Plant Science: 157:225-231.
Afreen-Zobayed, F., Zobayed, S.M.A., C. Kubota, T. Kozai, and O. Hasegawa. 1999. Supporting material affects the growth and development of in vitro sweet potato plantlets cultured photoautotrophically. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Plant 35:470-474.
Zobayed, S.M.A., F. Afreen-Zobayed, C. Kubota, and T. Kozai. 1999. Stomatal characteristics and leaf anatomy of potato plantlets cultured in vitro photoautotrophic and photomixotrophic conditions. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Plant 35:183-188.
Zobayed, S.M.A., C. Kubota, and T. Kozai. 1999. Development of a forced ventilation micropropagation system for large-scale photoautotrophic culture and its utilization in sweet potato. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Plant 35:350-355.
Niu, G., T. Kozai, and C. Kubota. 1998. A system for measuring the in situ CO2 exchange rates of in vitro plantlets. HortScience 33(6): 1076-1078
Kitaya, Y.,T. Shibuya, T. Kozai, and C. Kubota. 1998. Effects of light intensity and air velocity on air temperature, water vapor pressure, and CO2 concentration inside a plant canopy under an artificial lighting condition. Life Support & Biosphere Science 5:199-203
Kubota, C., N.C. Rajapakse, and R.E. Young. 1997. Carbohydrate status and transplant quality of micropropagated broccoli plantlets stored under different light environments. Postharvest Biology and Technology 12(2):165-173
Kubota, C., N.C. Rajapakse, and R.E. Young. 1996. Low temperature storage of micropropagated plantlets under selected light environment. HortScience 31(3):449-452
Miyashita, Y., Y. Kitaya, C. Kubota, and T. Kozai. 1996. Photoautotrophic growth of potato plantlets as affected by explant leaf area, fresh weight and stem length. Scientia Horticulturae 65:199-202
Kozai, T., B.R. Jeong, C. Kubota, and Y. Murai. 1995. Effects of volume and initial strength of medium on the growth, photosynthesis and ion uptake of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plantlet in vitro. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 64(1):63-71
Kubota, C. and T. Kozai. 1995. Low-temperature storage of transplants at the light compensation point: air temperature and light intensity for growth suppression and quality preservation. Scientia Horticulturae 61:193-204
Kubota, C. and T. Kozai. 1994. Low-temperature storage for quality preservation and growth suppression of broccoli plantlets cultured in vitro. HortScience 29(10):1191-1194
Kubota, C. and T. Kozai. 1992. Growth and net photosynthetic rate of Solanum tuberosum in vitro under forced and natural ventilation. HortScience 27(12):1312-1314
Kozai, T., N. Ohde, and C. Kubota. 1991. Similarity of growth patterns between plantlets and seedlings of Brassica campestris L. under different in vitro environmental conditions. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture 24:181-186
2. Review Papers
Ishii, M. S. Sase, H. Moriyama, L. Okushima, A. Ikeguchi, M. Hayashi, K. Kurata, C. Kubota, M. Kacira, and G.A. Giacomelli. 2016. Controlled enviornment agriculture for effective plant production systems in a semiarid greenhouse. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 50:101-113.
Mitchell, C.A., J.F. Burr, R. Lopez, C. Kubota, R. Hernández, C. Currey, E.S. Runkle, R. Morrow, and A.J. Both. 2015. Light-emitting diodes in horiculture. Horticultural Review, 43:1-73.
McCune, L.M., C. Kubota, N.R. Stendell-Hollis, and C.A. Thomson. 2011. Cherries and health: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 51:1-12
Louws, F.J., C.L. Rivard, and C. Kubota. 2010. Grafting fruiting vegetables to manage soilborne pathogens, foliar pathogens, arthropods and weeds. Scientia Horticulturae. 127:127-146.
Lee, J.-M., C. Kubota, S.J. Tsao, Z. Bie, P. Hoyos Echevarria, L. Morra, and M. Oda. 2010. Current status of vegetable grafting: Diffusion, grafting techniques, automation. Scientia Horticulturae. 127:93-105.
Kubota, C., M.A. McClure, N. Kokalis-Burelle, M.G. Bausher, and E.N. Rosskopf. 2008. Vegetable Grafting: History, Use, and Current Technology Status in North America. HortScience. 43:1664-1669.
Kubota, C., C.A. Thomson, M. Wu, and J. Javanmardi. 2006. Controlled environments for production of value-added food crops with high phytochemical concentrations: High lycopene tomato as an example. HortScience 41:522-525.
Kubota, C. 2003. Environmental control for growth suppression and quality preservation of transplants. Environ. Control. in Biol. 41:97-105.
Kozai, T. and C. Kubota. 2002. Developing a photoautotrophic (sugar-free medium) micropropagation system for woody plants. J. Plant Research. 114:525-537.
Kozai, T., C. Kubota, and B.R. Jeong. 1997. Environmental control for the large-scale production of plants through in vitro techniques. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture 51:49-56.
3. Technical Papers in Symposium Proceedings
Garcia, K. and C. Kubota. 2017. Physiology of strawberry plants under controlled environment: Diurnal change in leaf net photosynthetic rate. Acta Horticulturae 1156:445-452.
Garcia, K. and C. Kubota. 2017. Flowering responses of North American strawberry cultivars. Acta Horticulturae 1156:483-490.
Kroggel, M. and C. Kubota. 2017. Controlled environment strategies for tipburn management in greenhouse strawberry production. Acta Horticulturae 1156:529-536.
Kubota, C., M. Kroggel, A.J. Both, J.F. Burr, and M. Whalen. 2016. Does supplemental lighting make sense for my crop? – Empirical evaluations. Acta Horticulturae 1134:403-411.
Eguchi, T., R. Hernández, and C. Kubota. 2016. End-of-day far-red lighting combined with blue-rich light environment to mitigate intumescence injury of two interspecific tomato rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae 1134:163-170.
Hernández, R., T. Eguchi, and C. Kubota. 2016. Growth and morphology of vegetable seedlings under different blue and red photon flux ratios using LEDs as sole source lighting. Acta Horticulturae 1134:195-200.
Kozai, T., C. Kubota, M. Takagaki, and T. Maruo. 2015. Greenhouse environment control technologies for improving the sustainability of food production. Acta Horticulturae 1107:1-13.
Meng, C., Y.-J. Son, and C. Kubota. 2014. The effect of early order commitment in order-driven supply chain. In: Y. Guan and H. Liao (eds.) Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference. <>
Hernández, R. and C. Kubota. 2014. LEDs supplemental lighting for vegetable transplant production: spectral evaluation and comparisons with HID technology. Acta Horticulturae. 1037:829-835
Hernández, R., A. Dragotakes, and C. Kubota. 2014. Pulsing effects of supplemental LED lighting on cucumber seedlings. Acta Horticulturae. 1037:875-880
Meng, C., S. Kim, Y.-J. Son, and C. Kubota. 2013. A SYSML-based simulation model aggregation framework for seedling propagation system. Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington DC, 8–11 December 2013
Hernández, R. and C. Kubota. 2012. Tomato seedling growth and morphological responses to supplemental LED lighting red:blue ratios under varied daily solar light integrals. Acta Horticulturae. 956:187-194.
Kubota, C., P. Chia, Z. Yang, and Q. Li. 2012. Applications of far-red light emitting diodes in plant production under controlled environments. Acta Horticulturae 952:59-66.
Kroggel, M., W. Lovichit, C. Kubota, and C. Thomson. 2012. Greenhouse baby leaf production in semi-arid climate: seasonal effects on yield and quality. Acta Horticulturae 952:827-834.
Kubota, C. 2012. Environmental control technologies to improve greenhouse product quality. Acta Horticulturae 952:843-851.
Villareal-Guerrero, M. Kacira, E. Fitz-Rodríguez, G.A. Giacomelli, C. Kubota, R. Linker, and A. Arbel. 2012. Simulation of fixed and variable fogging rates in a naturally ventilated greenhouse: Water and energy savings and stability of climate. Acta Horticulturae 952:37-44.
Fitz-Rodríguez, E., M. Kacira, F. Villarreal-Guerrero, G.A. Giacomelli, C. Kubota, R. Linker, and A. Arbel. 2012. Neural network predictive control in a naturally ventilated and fog cooled greenhouse. Acta Horticulturae 952:45-52.
Kubota, C. and M. Kroggel. 2011. Application of 1-MCP for long distance transportation of high quality tomato seedlings. Acta Horticulturae 898:279-285.
Fitz-Rodríguez, E., J. Nelkin and C. Kubota. 2011. Use of disposable film sensor for analyzing uniformity of daily light integral inside a greenhouse. Acta Horticulture 893:517-524.
Story, D., M. Kacira, C. Kubota and A. Akoglu. 2011. Morphological and textural plant feature detection using machine vision for intelligent plant health, growth and quality monitoring. Acta Horticulture 893:299-306.
Lovichit, W., C. Kubota, C. Choi, and G.G. Schoonderbeek. 2008. Feasibility study for water recovery system for pad-and-fan cooled greenhouse in semiarid climate. Acta Horticulturae 797:315-320.
Matsuda, R., C. Kubota, L.M. Alvarez, and G.A. Cardineau. 2008. Growth, development, and protein productivity of transgenic tomato plants expressing a Yersinia pestis antigen fusion protein F1-V in a greenhouse. Acta Horticulturae 797:381-385.
Kubota, C. 2008. Use of grafted seedlings for vegetable production in North America. Acta Horticulturae 770:21-28.
Lovichit, W., C. Kubota, C.Y. Choi, and J. Schoonderbeek. 2007. Greenhouse water recovery system for crop production in semi-arid climate. ASABE Paper No. 074012. St. Joseph, Mich.:ASABE
Kubota, C., M. Hayashi, Y. Fukuda, S. Yokoi, and S. Sase. 2006. Using ventilation-evaporation-temperature-humidity (VETH) chart software for developing a strategy for evaporative cooling of semiarid greenhouses. Acta Horticulturae 719:483-490.
Tignor, M.E., G.A. Giacomelli, C. Kubota, E. Fitz, S.B. Wilson, T.A. Irani, E. Rhoades, and M.J. McMahon. 2006. Development of a web-based multi-media resource for environmental control modeling and greenhouse education. Acta Horticulturae 719:303-310.
Sase, S., M. Ishii, H. Moriyama, C. Kubota, K. Kurata, M. Hayashi, N. Sabeh, P. Romero, and G. Giacomelli. 2006. Effect of natural ventilation rate on relative humidity and water use for fog cooling in a semiarid greenhouse. Acta Horticulturae 719:385-392.
Ishii, M., S. Sase, H. Moriyama, C. Kubota, K. Kurata, M. Hayashi, A. Ikeguchi, N. Sabeh. P. Romero, and G.A. Giacomelli. 2006. The effect of evaporative fog cooling in a naturally ventilated greenhouse on air and leaf temperature, relative humidity, and water use in a semiarid climate. Acta Horticulturae 719:491-498.
Sabeh, N.C., G.A. Giacomelli, and C. Kubota. Water use for pad and fan evaporative cooling of a greenhouse in semi-arid climate. Acta Horticulturae 719:409-416.
Sase, S., M. Ishii, A. Ikeguchi, K. Kurata, C. Kubota, S. Yokoi, N. Sabeh, and G.A. Giacomelli. 2005. Efficient greenhouse cooling in semiarid climate (I) Fog cooling in combination with natural ventilation in a single-span double-polyethylene greenhouse. p. 207-210. Proceedings of International Conference on Research Highlights and Vanguard Technology on Environmental Engineering in Agricultural Systems Joint Meeting on Environmental Engineering in Agriculture 2005, September 12 – 15, 2005, Kanazawa University, Japan
Ikeguchi, A., S. Sase, M. Ishii, K. Kurata, C. Kubota, S. Yokoi, N. Sabeh, and G.A. Giacomelli. 2005. Efficient greenhouse cooling in semiarid climate (II) Natural ventilation measurement with gas tracer method in a single-span double-polyethylene greenhouse. p. 11-16. Proceedings of International Conference on Research Highlights and Vanguard Technology on Environmental Engineering in Agricultural Systems Joint Meeting on Environmental Engineering in Agriculture 2005, September 12 – 15, 2005, Kanazawa University, Japan
Kubota, C., M. Kroggel, D. Solomon, and L. Benne. 2004. Analyses and optimization of long distance transportation conditions for high quality tomato seedlings. Acta Horticulturae, 659, 227-234.
Wu, M., J.S. Buck, and C. Kubota. 2004. Effects of nutrient solution EC, plant microclimate and cultivars on fruit quality and yield of hydroponic tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum). Acta Horticulturae, 659, 541-547.
Costa, P., G.A. Giacomelli, C. Kubota, and M. Jensen. 2004. Preliminary study on the effects of environmental conditions and salinity on tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) growth status in semi-arid region Acta Horticulturae, 659, 557-564.
Suarez-Romero, A., G. Giacomelli, C. Kubota, and M. Jensen. 2004. Control strategy and sensors for the climate conditioning in a retractable roof greenhouse in semi-arid regions Acta Horticulturae, 659, 97-104.
Kubota, C. 2004. Plant responses to greenhouse environmental factors. Proceedings for the Greenhouse Crop Production and Engineering Design Short Course. January 18-21, Tucson, AZ.
Kubota, C. and M. Wu. 2004. Controlled environment for enhancing tomato fruit flavor. Proceedings for the Greenhouse Crop Production and Engineering Design Short Course. January 18-21, Tucson, AZ.
Uno, K. Ohyama, T. Kozai, and C. Kubota. Photoautotrophic culture with CO2 enrichment for improving micropropagation of Coffea arabusta using somatic embryos. Acta Horticulturae 625, 271-277.
Bostick, W.M., C. Kubota, A.M.abdel-Ghany and T. Kozai. 2002. A preliminary experiment to simulate evapotranspiration rate of plug transplant trays in a closed transplant production system, Acta Horticalturae, 578, 345-350.
Chun, C., T. Kozai, C. Kubota and K. Okabe. 2000. Manipulation of bolting and flowering in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) transplant production system using artificial light. Acta Horticulturae, 515, 201-206.
Kubota, C. and T. Kozai. 1999. Development of mathematical model for vegetative propagation: simulated sweetpotato cutting production as affected by propagation methods and environmental conditions. Acta Horticulture 519:65-72.
Kubota, C. and T. Kozai. 1999. Use of transition matrix models for transplant production under controlled environments. Paper No. 995061. ASAE, 2950 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI.
Miyashita, Y., T. Kimura, Y. Kitaya, C. Kubota, and T. Kozai. 1997. Effects of red light on the growth and morphology of potato plantlets in vitro: using light emitting diodes (LEDs) as a light source for micropropagation. Acta Horticulturae 418:169-173
Kozai, T., Y. Kitaya, C. Kubota, R. Kobayashi, and S. Watanabe. 1996. Optimization of photoautotrophic micropropagation conditions for sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) plantlets. Acta Horticulturae 440:566-569
Heo, J.W., C. Kubota, and T. Kozai. 1996. Effects of CO2 concentration, PPFD and sucrose concentration on Cymbidium plantlet growth in vitro. Acta Horticulturae 440:560-565
Kim, Y.H., T. Kozai, C. Kubota, and Y. Kitaya. 1996. Design of a wind tunnel for plug seedlings production under artificial lighting. Acta Horticulturae 440:153-158
Kim, Y.H., T. Kozai, C. Kubota, and Y. Kitaya. 1996. Effects of air current speeds on the microclimate of plug stand under artificial lighting. Acta Horticulturae 440:354-359
Kubota, C., G. Niu, and T. Kozai. 1995. Low temperature storage for production management of in-vitro plants: effects of air temperature and light intensity on preservation of plantlet dry weight and quality during storage. Acta Horticulturae 393:103-110
Kirdmanee, C., C. Kubota, B.R. Jeong, and T. Kozai. 1992. Photoautotrophic multiplication of Cymbidium protocorm-like bodies. Acta Horticulturae 319:243-248
Aitken-Christie, J., H.E. Davies, L. Holland, C. Kubota, and K. Fujiwara. 1992. Effect of nutrient media composition on sugar-free growth and chlorophyll fluorescence of Pinus radiata shoots in vitro. Acta Horticulturae 319:125-130
Kozai, T., C. Kubota, and I. Watanabe. 1988. Effects of basal medium composition on the growth of carnation plantlets in auto- and mixo-trophic tissue culture. Acta Horticulturae 230:159-166
4. Extension articles
Hollick, J. and C. Kubota. 2024. How to grow grafted watermelon transplants. eGro Edible Alerts Vol 9.1
Kubota, C. 2023. VPDleaf vs. VPDair – Two different ways to determine VPD. eGro Edible Alerts Vol 8.16
Kubota, C., S. Offenbecher, and R. Conrad. 2023. Pericarp cracking and moisture management to improve spinach germination. eGro Edible Alerts Vol 8.12
Kubota, C. and J. Ertle. 2023. Lettuce tipburn sensitivity trial – Preliminary results. eGro Edible Alerts Vol 8.10
Kroggel, K. and C. Kubota. 2017. Potential yield increase by grafting for watermelon production in Arizona. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Research Report, AZ1732 <>
5. Media
Kubota, C. 2015-present. Greenhouse Plant Physiology & Technology Lab facebook
Kubota, C. and M. Kroggel. 2013-present. Hydroponics strawberry information website.
Evans, M., M. Kroggel, and C. Kubota. 2014. Sustainable Hydroponic and Soilless Strawberry Production Systems video series. University of Arkansas (
Kubota, C. and M. Kroggel. 2011. Vegetable Grafting – Learning How to Graft Tomato and Cucurbits (DVD). University of Arizona (CALSMart) (
Kubota, C. 2016. VPD Calculator (a web-based mobile application) (
Hayashi, M.,C. Kubota, and S. Yokoi. 2004-2005. Visual VETH software. (English version of a software for greenhouse cooling and ventilation design, developed from the original Japanese version) (