
My singing group, Scarlet Fever, often has gigs on campus, as well as in the Columbus area. On Thursday, November 2nd, we met at the Athletic Club of Columbus. There, we sang for a diabetes research benefit dinner that aimed to raise awareness for the disease as well as money for research in the field. While waiting to perform, we heard speakers’ testaments of all of the research happening at Ohio State and all the important work being done for both type I an type II diabetes. It was amazing to hear first hand, that there is hard work being done by people who care that can make a massive difference for people, beyond just the Columbus area. It was an honor to sing for the event and share our pride of being Buckeyes.

About Me

My name is Sierra Cady and I am from a small town in the south suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. Here at Ohio State, I am a first year student majoring in neuroscience. My curiosity with the capacities of the human brain propelled me into majoring in neuroscience for my undergraduate years. However, during high school, the foreign language classes I took as well as my travel experiences during a trip to Spain made me fall in love with the Spanish language. For this reason, I am pursuing my passion by minoring in Spanish. I hope to get the chance to study abroad and dive deeper into the language during my college years.

Outside of the academic realm, I have always identified as a musician. I have sung in various acappella and choral groups, and I have been playing the saxophone for nine years. My favorite activity is marching band, where I grew tremendously as a musician, worker, and person. My high school experience culminated to being granted a leadership position for my school’s marching band my final season. Because music has always been a key part of my life, I joined an acappella group as soon as the school year begun: Scarlet Fever.

One of the things that really interested me about Ohio State was the immense opportunity for research, and I hope I get a chance to partake in research here. I am interested in a variety of research in areas such as autoimmune disorders, pharmacology, and regarding children. I am interested in autoimmune disorders, as I have witnessed the chronic affliction they can cause. I have always adored children, and volunteer with them often through my church at home and on campus, and learning more about how their minds work would be fulfilling for me. Finally, after my undergraduate education, I would like to continue studying and get a degree in pharmacy. Therefore, research in pharmaceuticals is pertinent, not only in neuroscience, but to many areas of my interest.





Global Awareness: In order to achieve the goal of having Global Awareness, I hope to study abroad to gain an understanding of another country and its culture first hang. Studying another language through my minor also will expose me to other cultures through the language.

Original Inquiry: To gain original inquiry, I desire to participate in the research experience program, to gain a better understanding of how to conduct laboratory research,  and I would like to develop my own research initiative in the future on a topic that is important to me.

Academic Enrichment: To achieve the goal of academic enrichment, I plan on following wherever my interest lead me. I may sign up for more language classes or participate in research that connect my interest like language, the brain, and music. Purely listening to and collaborating with other students also will lead to mutual enrichment.

Leadership Development: To develop leadership, I hope to one day have a leading role in a music ensemble on campus. I also would like to attend different leadership workshops to prepare myself for various roles in the classroom, research laboratory, and workforce.

Service Engagement: I currently volunteer in the children’s ministry at H2O church here at Ohio State, where I spend time with children during the church service and teach them about the Bible. I also would like to go on a service trip over spring break through Buck-I-SERV.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]

About Me

[Your “About Me” is an introduction and should provide insight into who you are as a person and a learner.  This should include a picture of you that is appropriate in a professional/academic context. This information should be continually updated.  For more information, go to:  Delete these instructions and add your own post.]