Service Engagement

In order to give back to the community that has given me the opportunity to attend college, I joined the American Red Cross Club of Ohio State. This club is known for managing and hosting the numerous blood drives that take place around campus throughout the year. The blood drives were the main reason I joined because blood transfusions are some of the most vital life-saving medical practices at work today; a pint of blood can be divided into three separate units which can help sustain three patients. I was attracted to the blood drives because this form of human charity can save lives more directly than most other acts of selflessness; you can live without money, but cannot live without blood. This club is the main driver behind Ohio State’s “Blood Battle,” a competition with the University of Michigan that is held every November leading up to OSU-UM football game to see which student body can donate more units of blood. Ohio State currently has a 3-year winning streak. Since joining this organization, I have realized the importance of donating blood and the impact that it has on millions of people across the country, both during times of crisis and for very ill patients that need regular blood transfusions. The need is basically constant as these ill patients with blood disorders will always need more blood and there is no economical way, as of yet, to artificially produce human blood.

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