
Do you have PCOS? Clinical Trial looking for participants.

Dr. Sarah Altman is participating in a clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of a novel neurokinin-3 receptor antagonist compared to a placebo in improving menstrual regularity, hirsutism, and other symptoms in women between 18-45 years of age with oligo-amenorrhea due to PCOS.

Please contact Dr. Sarah Altman if you are interested:

Aventiv Research 614-501-6164

99 N Brice Rd Suite 260  Columbus, OH 43213

Sex in the Sciences

I was invited to participate on a panel in a session called “Sex in the Sciences” at the 8th Annual Midwest/Great Lakes Undergraduate Research Symposium in Neuroscience hosted by The Ohio State University on October 22. There were 31 colleges and universities that participated this year from Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania.  Each year a different college or university would host the annual meeting and it allows students in Neurosciences to present their research projects. The goal of the panel was to have an informal discussion with 190 student participants to discuss professions that were considered “nontraditional” for that gender.

Our panel consisted of three other people which included Dr. Georgia Bishop, vice-chairman of the Department of Neuroscience, Dr. Kathryn Lenz, assistant professor in the Department of Psychology, Nicholas Baggett, nurse practitioner (NP) with M.A. in mental health. We each gave an introduction to our educational background and our career trajectory to promote awareness of the issues we faced in our education and careers as well as expose the participants to role models in science.            Dr. Bishop had shared that when she started out in neuroscience she was told by a professor that “women have not succeeded in this field”.  She proved him wrong by succeeding and she had gained the respect of her fellow male graduate students by spending the same amount of time and effort as they did.            Nicholas Baggett stated that patients often assume that he is a doctor because he is male.  He said that being a white male he has experienced what it was like to be a “minority” in nursing.

What qualities are needed to succeed in undergraduate or graduate education? We had excellent audience participation and questions from them. Nicholas Baggett recommended critical thinking along with mastery of writing. He noted that people may think that writing is not an important skill set in the sciences or health care field, but it is used daily in his work. I shared that developing effective communication skills is very important in any areas of study and career choice along with perseverance.  I recommended that they keep a goal in sight and not to give up on that goal even if there is a roadblock and to look for another way to achieve the goal.  Dr. Lenz had shared that she has had days when she has felt like quitting the work that she does, but with resilience she had been able continue to work in her field and find fulfillment in it.

What is success? We discussed the question of success in our fields and we agreed that success is based on what each individual feels is important in his/her life. The commonality shared by the panel is that our education and career goals may not have always followed a straight path and we had all encountered challenges along the way, but we found mentors in our fields that help us achieve our goals.  We did not allow our gender to dictate what we should be doing, but used it to help us to pave the path to our goals.  We now serve as mentors to students and others to help them achieve their goals.

by Edith Chang, M.D.

Audiology Awareness Month – Free Hearing Screenings

October is Audiology Awareness Month. To celebrate check out these free hearing screenings:

  • OSU Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic is offering free hearing screenings on Tuesday (10/11/2016) and Thursday (10/27/2016).  Please call the clinic to schedule a free screening at 614-292-6251.
  • The Ohio State Student Academy of Audiology is offering free hearing screenings to the general public on Friday (10/7/2016) 1-4 p.m. at the Ohio Union in dance room 01 on the building’s lower level. Hearing screenings require only 5 or 10 minutes to complete — and are done by audiology graduate students.

Opioid Addiction Recovery (SMART)

Medication Assisted Treatment Program at The Ohio State University

 SMART Overview

The Suboxone Maintenance and Recovery Treatment (SMART) program at The Ohio State University is a partnership between the Office of Student Life’s Counseling and Consultation Services (CCS), Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) and Student Health Services (SHS). Our mission is to assist students with a history of opioid use disorder in maintaining their recovery by offering continued maintenance treatment with buprenorphine/naloxone, psychosocial support programs and recovery support.

As a collaborative team, we strive to support current and incoming students in recovery from an opioid use disorder that are utilizing medication assisted treatment and need medical providers who can continue to prescribe these medications as well as support their recovery and continued success both academically and personally.

SMART is designed for current or incoming students that have a year of successful recovery utilizing medication assisted treatment and are committed to maintaining their recovery while pursuing their education at Ohio State.

What We Offer

  • Continue providing medication at SHS
  • Individual and/or group counseling at CCS
  • On campus recovery support at CRC


  • Provide 12 months’ worth of prior medication assisted treatment records
  • Be committed to maintaining your recovery
  • Comply with all treatment protocols
  • Attend recovery support meeting (AA, NA, etc.) once a week
  • Attend weekly abstinence based group counseling at CCS OR weekly individual therapy counseling with a licensed professional
  • Attend CRC meeting once a week
  • Meet with prescriber at SHS once a month
  • Meeting and appointment attendance will be documented
  • Drug and alcohol screen once a month, at the discretion of the prescriber
  • Attend additional meetings with individual counselor, psychiatrist, etc., as determined by the prescriber

How To Apply

  • Contact the Care Manager at CCS by calling 614-292-5766

Katherine McKee, M.D.

My friend is hooked on painkillers, what should I do?

Addiction is a devastating disease that can have life-threatening consequences if not treated. It is important to know where to go on campus in case you or a friend is ever in need of help.

Counseling and Consultation Services

  • Location: Younkin Success Center (4th Floor), 1640 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201
  • Phone: 614-292-5766
  • About: Provide individual and group counseling, suicide prevention, mental health screenings and a variety of other mental health services to meet your needs.

The Ohio State Collegiate Recovery Community

  • Location: 1230 Lincoln Tower
  • Phone: 614-292-2094
  • About: The Collegiate Recovery Community is a program for students in or seeking recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. They provide many resources for students in recovery including the following:
    • Recovery House at Penn Place
    • Peer to peer support
    • Devoted recovery staff
    • Advocacy, information and referrals
    • On campus support group meetings
    • Monthly wellness workshops
    • Social events
    • CRC Student Leadership Board
    • Service opportunities
    • Recovery Scholarships
    • Annual CRC Program Orientation
    • Graduation Dinner
    • Individualized Recovery Plans
    • Ohio State alumni in recovery mentor program
    • Leadership and professional development
    • Scarlet, Gray & Sober Tailgates
    • Monthly community lunch
    • Designated CRC lounge on campus, 1230 Lincoln Tower

The Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery

  • Location: 125 Stillman Hall, 1947 College Rd, Columbus, OH 43210
  • Phone: 614-292-5572
  • About: Can help students identify resources and answer their questions about drug and alcohol misuse. The center can also help identify the best way to talk to a friend who may be misusing drugs or alcohol.

Student Health Services

  • Location: 1875 Millikin Rd, Columbus, OH 43210
  • Phone: 614-292-4321
  • About: Student Health Services is dedicated to caring for students and families of those struggling with the disease of addiction. For those in long-term recovery, SHS can provide maintenance medication if certain expectations are met. Call a Care Manager at Counseling and Consultation Services to apply (614-292-5766). The SHS Pharmacy is also equipped to provide naloxone (Narcan), the overdose reversal medication, and overdose education. Call 614-292-0125 for more information.

It is important to speak up if you or a loved one is struggling with the disease of addiction. You could save a life! Be sure to check out my next post about naloxone, a drug that can reverse opioid overdose!


Kelsey Kresser Schmuhl, PharmD Candidate 2017





Should I have my cholesterol tested?

There are several risk factors for heart disease and stroke.  These include obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking history, high blood cholesterol levels, and family history of heart disease and stroke.  High cholesterol can build up in your blood vessels causing narrowing and reduced blood flow.  This can lead to heart disease and stroke.

The U.S. Preventive Task Force recommends that men get a blood cholesterol test at age 35 years and women at age 45 years.  This should be done every five years.  The cholesterol test may be performed at an earlier age or more frequently if you have any of the cardiovascular risk factors mentioned above.  The accuracy of cholesterol tests done at public screenings such as health fairs varies.  It is probably better to discuss this with your provider who can order more reliable testing.

Dr. Matthew Peters

The Problem with Antibiotics

There are many types of antibiotics. The most commonly used antibiotics treat bacterial infections.  Penicillin was discovered in 1928.  It was first used on a patient in 1941.  It was mass produced by the end of World War II.  There are now dozens of antibiotics on the market.  These drugs have reduced illness and death from infectious diseases.  However, bacteria have adapted resulting in these drugs becoming less effective.

These antibacterials medicines do not work on all infections. They treat bacteria but not viral infections.  Common viral infections are colds, influenza, bronchitis, and most sore throats and sinus infections.

Overuse of antibiotics contributes to more serious drug-resistant bacteria. The CDC estimates that 23,000 people in this country die yearly from antibiotic-resistant bacteria.  Reasons for overuse include pressure on healthcare providers to prescribe these drugs, patients using leftover antibiotics, and patients using antibiotics purchased overseas.

What can we do? Do not expect antibiotics to cure every illness.  Please do not pressure your provider to prescribe an antibiotic.  Most colds and coughs will take two weeks or longer to resolve.  Complete the entire course when an antibiotic is prescribed,.  Also, never take someone else’s medication.


Dr. Matthew Peters, MD


Student Life Student Health Services at the Wilce Student Health Center has long been an ally of the LGBTQ community and at this time following the tragic events in Orlando, we continue to stand with the community and all human beings who value life and love. We mourn those who have lost their lives and continue to work towards an inclusive and accepting world for all.

Wilce is a facility that all students should feel welcome, safe and cared for in the best possible way. We offer comprehensive primary care services and can facilitate specialty care when indicated.  We offer the full spectrum of testing for sexually transmitted infections and we are here for questions and advice about this and other healthcare needs.

With the healthcare reforms of 2010, access and coverage for many groups previously denied care has significantly improved which includes the transgender community. We at Student Health are pleased to offer services to transgender patients not only for general primary care but also hormonal therapy for those interested in making that transition.  We strive to make everyone feel comfortable, including addressing you by your preferred name and using preferred pronouns.  Confidentiality is always a priority.  Several Student Health physicians recently attended conferences on transgender healthcare and we are working towards a focused, evidence-based pathway for providing treatment, and for following those students in a safe and healthy way.  We will discuss the risks and benefits of hormonal therapy, the typical schedule of visits and monitoring lab tests as well as what one can and cannot expect from the therapy.  We work closely with Counseling and Consultation Services and would like anyone considering transition to be working with a counselor since this is such a significant step forward in your well-being.  Please call our appointments line at (614)292-4321 to discuss your particular needs with one of our appointments staff and schedule your visit with an appropriate provider.

We wish the Columbus LGBTQ community an uplifting Pride Week and Month.


Dr. Ryan Hanson, MD