Q: Where are the closest chiropractors in the campus area that take student health insurance? I am trying to get an appointment for local adjustments, and I can’t seem to find any nearby. Thanks.
A: The most conveniently located chiropractor, or any other alternative medicine doctor, is going to be at OSU Integrative Medicine. They are located at 2000 Kenny Rd, across the street from West Campus. They offer chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture services; all services are covered by SHIP (the Student Health Insurance Plan) with a qualifying diagnosis. Dr. John Grandominico is the chiropractor and can normally get you in for an appointment fairly quickly. Their phone number is 614-293-9777.
While Student Health Insurance does not require a referral to see a specialist, their office may require one from your primary care doctor in order to submit these charges through insurance. Referrals can be easily obtained with a visit at the Student Health Services.
Alison Sauers, Referral Coordinator
Student Health Services
The Ohio State University