Q: I’m graduating but don’t have a job yet. What do I do for health insurance?
A: Graduating from THE Ohio State University is a major accomplishment. It’s a time for excitement and celebration – you earned it.
But once the speeches end and you turn the cap and gown back in to the bookstore, you’ve got to face the “real world” and that can be kind of a scary place. Especially if you don’t have a job. Or the job you do have doesn’t provide you with health insurance.
So as a graduation present to all of our newly minted Buckeye alums, we’ve compiled a list of resources that can help you find affordable (relatively speaking) health coverage. We know it ain’t a new car or a Rolex (talk to your parents about that), but it may be even more valuable to you – one illness or accident without insurance can cost you big bucks in a hurry.
Congratulations on everything you’ve accomplished. Now go out there, work hard, stay healthy and take the world by storm!
Go Bucks!
COBRA insurance They have an alternative plan that can provide temporary health insurance for 30 days, 6 months and 12 months. The length of coverage might be able to be adjusted to meet the consumer’s needs. Visit http://cobrainsurance.com/ for details.
Compare 6 plans and receive a free prescription plan http://www.consumerbenefits.net/cobra-insurance.htm. This is an alternative to COBRA insurance. You can compare all 6 plans on their website and receive a free prescription plan when applying through this site.
GradMed http://www.gradmed.com. This is an official program of the Ohio State University Alumni Association. It is recognized by almost 200 colleges/alumni associations. Comprehensive coverage for alumni and family members under age 65 is available. Great for new grads and other alumni between jobs. The graduate would have a deductible between $500 and $2500. After deductible is met, GradMed will pay 100% of the usual and customary medical expenses up to $1 million.
The best perk with this option is that there is no co-pay for office visits and no list or network of health care providers to select from. You can go to any licensed doctor or hospital of your choice. Policy can go into effect the very next day. Coverage period can range from 30 to 180 days, but you can request an extension of coverage.
Temporary Insurance Quotes http://www.temporaryinsurancequotes.com/ This website is similar to shopping for car insurance. You plug in the required information and health insurance companies will respond with quotes for temporary health insurance coverage.
Free Health Clinic There might be a free health clinic where you are move. Some places do charge a very little fee ($20) while some will ask for a small donation. Some are for low income people. Some only serve the local community residents, etc. You can visit http://www.freemedicalcamps.com to access the listing of free health clinics. If this does not work; consider contacting the local county Health Department.